C.26: Memories

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A/N::: Please note that things will be different. Some things will stay the same, but in order for me to make this story work, I will need to change things, including their age. I'll also be adding new things. Thank you. :)) This will be a kinda short one, as I have more 'memories' chapters coming throughout the rest of the book.

Written In 3rd Person

"Hello there, gorgeous" a 15 year old Bucky Barnes says. "Hm, I bet that one simple line makes all the young ladies swoon" y/n says. "Every time" he smirks. "Well then, it's a good time for it not to work" Y/N says as she walks away. He smirks as he watches her. He has seen her around a few times but was always too nervous to speak. Now that he's heard her beautiful voice, he has to get to know her.

Two Weeks Later

Bucky sees Y/N walking down the street again. He takes his chance and jogs over to walk with her. "Let me take you on a date" he tells her. She rolls her eyes, amused at him. "Why should I do that?" she questions. "We can get to know each other better. You might end up liking me" he smirks. "Very highly doubt that. I don't even know your name" she says, trying to walk a little bit faster. He gets in front of her, stopping her. "I'm James, and you are?" She takes a minute, thinking if she should tell him. Reluctantly, she gives in all together. "I'm Y/N. And I will go on a date with you, I suppose." "Great," he smiles, "how about tomorrow? We can go eat and dance." "I don't dance, actually. I do eat though" she smiles up at him. "Fine. It's a date then. I'll come get you around, 7?" he offers. "That is perfect." After telling him where she lives, they go their separate ways. Both smiling and ready for tomorrow.

The Date

She hears a knock at her door, hurrying to catch it and leave before her dad awakens. No one knows, but her dad is a very mean man. Her mother isn't much better. She opens the door, and he's there waiting with a smile. "You look beautiful" he says, reaching out to take her hand. She smiles, thanking him.

They make small talk as they make their way towards the eating place Bucky chose. Once they arrive to the small diner, he sits her down first and then takes a seat across from her. They are silent for a moment, both wondering what to say. "So, where are you from?" She asks, breaking the silence. "I'm from here. What about you?" "It's complicated, really. I've moved around since I can remember." She tells him, slightly frowning. "How come?" "I don't really know. I don't ask questions." He frowns now, wondering why.

The rest of their date goes smoothly, each enjoying it. They both laugh as Bucky leads her home, stopping at the end of her door steps. "I had fun" she says, smiling slightly. "I did too. I want to see you again." "I'd like that. Are you free tomorrow?" she asks him, hoping he says yes. "Yes I am. Meet me at the park down the road. 2?" "Perfect." Bucky kisses her on the cheek before leaving.

TW::: ABUSE!!!!!!!




Y/N sighs as she slowly opens the house door, trying her best to be as quite as she can. As she closes the door she takes her shoes off, making her way towards her bedroom. What she didn't know, is that her dad was watching the whole time. He seen everything and heard it all. He wasn't happy at all. "Y/N" he yells so loud his face turns red. Y/N freezes, scared to even turn around. "Who was that damn boy?" He seethes, spit flying from his mouth as he speaks. Turning around slowly, she answers, "he's just a friend. We were just hanging out." "Tskkk tskkk. You know what I say, girl. Boys can't be friends. You gon' learn to obey your father!" He yells as he lunges for her.

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