C.17: All New

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It's been a week since Wanda and Thor helped me with my Loki problem. So far, so good. Tony ended up figuring out what happened so here I am getting scolded.

"Why would you keep this from me?" he scolds with a glare. "You hide every problem you have, Y/N. Then lie about it!" he paces back and forth. I sigh, "I know, Tony. Okay? I know. I didn't tell you or anyone else because I handled it. None of you needed to worry. It's done and over with" I finish, avoiding his gaze.

He groans before walking over and bending down in front of me, "I'm just worried about you. You didn't need to keep this from us. We could have helped" he puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry" I sigh. "It's fine, like you said it's done and over with" he stands before walking back to his computer. He starts working on whatever project he's started. I take that as my chance to leave, so I tell him bye and head out towards the kitchen.

I get something to drink, feeling a presence behind me. "Why didn't you tell me?" Bucky asks. I turned around to face him, "Are you kidding me?" I scoff before leaving. I walk into my bedroom just for him to follow me, closing the door. "What is it, James?" I frown at him. "I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have acted that way. I was just having a hard time with my nightmares and everything, I shouldn't have taken it out on you" he slowly approaches me.

I roll my eyes, "That gives you no excuse to literally walk out on me" I glare at him. "I know. I'm not asking you to forgive me, just give me another chance. I promise I'll communicate better. I won't walk out" he finishes, putting a hand on my cheek. I slowly look up, looking in his eyes. I see nothing but love in them. I sigh before removing his hand, "You really hurt me" I whisper. He pulls me into his chest, "I wasn't thinking of anything but myself at the time. I'm sorry. I love you so much, Y/N" he says, kissing the top of my head. "I love you" is all I say.

He pulls away, "One more chance. That's all I need" he says before kissing the inside of my wrist. He has never really hurt me before.. he deserves a chance, right? "Fine, yeah. One more" I say, earning a smirk from him. "I want to take you on a date" he concludes. "Really?" I ask, surprised. "Yeah, tonight. We'll leave around 6" he smirks, kissing my cheek then leaving. It's only 2PM so I have time to kill. I make my way towards the training room.

I see Steve using the punching bag, so I walk over to the treadmills. I set my speed and start. Not long after starting, Steve joins me. "Hey" he greets with a smile. I return it, "Hey Stevie. I haven't really seen you lately. I missed you." "I know, I missed you too" he says. "I wanted to talk to you about something" he asks after a few minutes. "Okay, shoot" I say, getting off the treadmill with him following. "I, uhm, wanted to ask Nat on a date" he says, making me stop in my tracks and turn to face him.

I smile, "Really?" I ask. He smiles back, "Yeah. I just don't know how.. you know how long it's been. Plus I don't even know if she likes me" he concludes with a small frown. I soften, "I've seen the way she looks at you, Stevie. She does. Just ask" I assure him. He rubs the back of his neck, "Fine, fine. I will. I'll ask her a little later" he says before turning to leave. "Oh no, no, no. You go now, before you have time to talk yourself out of it." He laughs, "You're right." I smirk before going back to the punching bag.

Finally after killing time, it's time for our date. We are currently sitting in a very nice restaurant that Tony made a reservation for us. I'm dressed in a tight black dress that stops right above the knees, with simple black pumps. My hair is curled, and I went for a smokey makeup look. "You look beautiful, doll" Bucky compliments from in front of me as we wait for our waiter. "You don't look too bad yourself, love" I smile. "Tony sure does know how to pick a place" he chuckles, looking around. "Yes, yes he does" I look around. All of a sudden Bucky stands, grabbing my hand for me to follow him.

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