C.6: It's Okay

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****** SMUT at the end of this chapter. Some words and actions you might not like****

A week later and I haven't had anymore flashbacks. I think it's weird but nobody else is worried about it. Today everyone is just hanging out.

I finally met Thor after hearing so much about him. Literal God.

He showed up one day out of nowhere and scared the shit out of me.

Laying on the couch with my back against the arm and my legs over Sam, I listen to Stark and Stevie argue for the hundredth time today.

"Why does it matter, Ice Man?" Stark says.

"Do you really have to call me that?" Steve asks.

"I mean, it's kind of fitting" I butt in.

This gets me a 'wow, really?' look from Steve while everyone else laughs.

"See! Exactly what she said" Stark tells Steve.

"You know what? I haven't through a party in awhile. We are having one tonight" Stark says while getting up to plan.

Everyone starts groaning! Wow, who doesn't want a night of hanging out and having fun? Apparently these suckers.

"WHAT? I think it's a good idea, Stark. We could all use a night to unwind" I pratically laugh out.
"SEE, this is why I like her!!" Stark yells from the kitchen.

It's already 4PM and Stark wants it to start at 6. So we all get up to get ourselves ready.

"Red, I'm gonna need some help" I say

"Ohhh yes! Lets go" she says smiling huge.
"Sooooo what am I gonna wear Red???"
"I already have something for you!" she beams out while handing me the bag.

She laughs while leaving my room, shutting the door behind her.

I sit the bag down and head for the shower.

The water feels so good. Have I mentioned how amazing the water pressure is? I smirk to myself.

I get out and start brushing my hair. It has gotten so long (or whatever you want).

What should I even do with it? I went to a few parties for missons, but they were just that; missons. I've never been to just hang out.

I step out the bathroom and head to check out the dress Red gave me.

WOW. It's so damn pretty!

I put it on and go to my closet to find a pair of shoes

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I put it on and go to my closet to find a pair of shoes.

I find the perfect pair of black hills that have a strap that wraps around my legs, almost to me knees.


I decide to go with a dark look for my makeup, and I leave my hair in curls.

Now its 6:30PM. Here we go!
Red meets me in the elevator. She looks so damn good with a dress that matches her hair.

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