C.23: Sokovia

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"No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. There's gonna be blood on the floor." Tony says. "I got no plans tomorrow night." Cap replies. "I get first crack at the big guy. Iron Man's the one he's waiting for." "That's true. He hates you the most" Vision says as he walks in. I laugh out loud, making Tony give me a 'really?' look. I just shrug and play with one of my knives.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Cap finishes his speech, just before we arrive.

We each get out and start clearing the city. I bang on doors and yell "Get up and get out". People start running out, wondering what's happening. "No time to think, people! Get out! Go!" I yell as some just stand around. Wanda uses her powers to get into some of their minds, making them stop what they're doing and leave.

"Come on, come on" I direct people, now filling up the bridge trying to get away. I run down the road to make sure people are still coming. All of a sudden a robot breaks through the ground making me fall backwards. "Holy shit we got a problem!" I say into the coms. The robot starts shooting at me, I use my powers to break its head apart. I take this moment to look around, there are robots everywhere.

They start coming at me from every angle, I use my powers to blast some backwards and use my other hand to shoot my magic at the others. An arrow comes from behind me and blows some up as I break the others apart. Clint, thank you jesus. As they're coming towards me again I make a run for it, trying to lead them away from where most of the civilians are.

Just as I break the last robot apart, the ground starts rumbling. The ground splits apart, breaking away and rising. I use my magic to fly upwards. I watch as the breaking keeps going. As I'm distracted, a robot flies into me, punching me in the jaw as we both hit the ground. I groan as I take my hands and tear its head from its body. It takes me a minute to get up, hitting the ground at full speed really hurts. I pant and hold my jaw as I get up, looking around.

We are rising. Buildings are falling, people are falling. I hear screams all around. "Guys?" I say. "Here" everyone checks in. This is bad. "Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall." Ultron says. "You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal"

FUCK. I fly upwards as the ground keeps rising, higher and higher. A robot comes towards me, I fling it up and rip it in half. "Cap you got incoming" Tony says, "Incoming already came" Cap groans. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed... walk it off."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." She tries again. "I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." "I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

Of course. I see three coming for me, I use my magic to pick up some bricks, throwing it towards them. One misses it and shoots at me. I block it with my magic and once I have an opening I rip its head off. "Y/N, come to the bridge... well, where it used to be" I hear Cap say. "Copy that" I sign, making my way towards it.

I get there quickly, just as the Hulk arrives jumping on a robot. I direct people out of the way. "Hey doll" Bucky comes up beside me, looking me over for injuries. "Hey baby" I smile, using my magic to rip a robot. He continues on his way, as do I. I hope he stays safe.

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