C.18: The Rest Of My Life

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- A/N -
Guys I'm the worse, I'm so sorry. I'm literally the worse. Please forgive me, I will do better with updating. My depression has been horrible the past two weeks, I am finally doing a little better. Anyways, back to the story my loves.

Two Years Later...

Things have been amazing. Bucky and I are great, Tony finally went for Pepper after I almost fought him over how stupid he was. I saw the way they looked at each other, they both felt for each other. They were both just too stubborn to admit it. I'm so glad they went for it. They deserve each other, and really she seems to be the only one who can really keep him in line. We continue finding Hydra bases and taking them out. We can't seem to get rid of them. The minute we think it's over, more pop up.

Bucky joins me on the balcony, pulling me into his side. "I love you" he whispers, kissing the top of my head. "And I love you baby" I muse. I get on my tip toes and capture his lips in a sweet, soft kiss. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" he says with a smile. I look up with a brow raised, "Oh really? Who said that would happen, hmm?" I giggle. He smirks in amusement, "You're mine, doll. I don't care what you say" he laughs. I grin before pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "I know baby" I whisper.


After supper I made my way into Bucky's room, I pretty much moved into his with him. I start taking my clothes off to change, stopping when I feel his presence. I turn around to face him, his eyes darkened with lust and desire. I take in a breath as he stalks towards me, slowly. He stands right in front of me, my panties already wet. He looks me up and down before capturing my lips in a fiery kiss, one that sends lust shooting throughout my body. He rips my panties and bra off, rubbing my boob as he kisses down my neck. He slowly pulls away, then moves his desk chair in front of the mirror I had Tony install 3 months ago.

He tells me to sit, and I do as I'm told. He spreads my legs so they are wide open so my center is on full display to us both as we look in the mirror. He stands behind me, keeping eye contact as he pulls his knife out. "You've seen what I can do with this knife. I've killed, tortured, and now.. well, now I'm gonna pleasure you with it" he whispers. I shudder as he smirks at my reaction. "Do you remember the safe word? We haven't used it in a while, I figured you needed it" he muses as he takes the hollow side of the knife and circles my boobs with it. It sends goosebumps down my body.

"Answer" he says in a cold tone. "Y..yes. I remember. It's red" I whisper, ready for whatever he has planned. "Don't take your eyes off the mirror, do you understand?" He asks, still circling my boobs. "I understand," I answered. He keeps eye contact for a second before he takes the knife slowly down my stomach. "Do not move, or it'll hurt you" he warns in a low husky voice. I nod my head, not having the voice to answer. He takes the knife, turning it sideways, and takes it across my pussy. Slowly he takes it over and over again, teasing me with anticipation. I moan out as he brings it back up my stomach. He glides it up my neck before stopping at my mouth, "open" he whispers, looking in the mirror. I do as he says. "Lick it." I do as he says again, moaning at the cold and wet metal. He quickly moves it, standing me up and laying me on the bed.

He moves between my legs, holding the knife against my stomach. "If you move, it'll cut you. Dont move" he orders as he starts licking my center, slowly at first. I bite my lip as I try not to move. All of a sudden he pushes the knife down just enough for it to be painful pleasure, "Let me hear you" he orders. He goes back to eating me and I moan out as he bites me just a little. He takes his other hand and sticks two fingers in as he continues the work with his mouth.

This makes me jerk my hips up wanting more, and as I do the knife slices me some. I groan out as it turns me on even more. He doesn't stop, instead pumping his fingers even more as he sucks. I moan as I jerk up yet again, the knife digging into my skin again. I groan as I feel my orgasm build, only for him to stop. He kisses up my stomach until he's right above me. He kisses me deeply, I moan as I taste myself on his tongue. "You want it to hurt, don't you doll?" he whispers as he kisses and bites at my neck. "Please, I need you" I beg.

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