C.3: Remember

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I don't know how, but I know the Captain and Soldier. I can feel it.

"Misson report", I hear Pierce say.
"Misson report, now" He says again when I don't answer.

"Who were they? Those two guys?" I ask.
He looks annoyed as he says, "You met Captain America on a misson a few days ago. The other, well, he use to work for us until he chose the other side."
"I think you're lying" I tell him.
He slaps me across my face and yells, "WIPE HER, DAMNIT!!!"

"I think she was about to remember" I say to Steve, Natasha, and Sam.
"I think so too" They all agree.

I've been with her this whole time, yet I miss her so much. It feels like I haven't seen her since the fall. I remember some things, but not alot. Not everything. I remember a few things about Steve. I know he's my bestfriend. I remember quite alot about Y/N, but still, not everything. I get flashbacks here and there since being out of my Winter Soldier side. They hurt when they come, too.

"We got a hit. They are bringing up the carriers in the morning. I'm sure she will be there waiting for us" Sam says.
"Lets get some sleep. We have alot to do" Steve says.
I barely slept. I mainly laid in the dark listening to every noise. I don't sleep much. Nightmares are there everytime I do close my eyes. I hear a knock on my door.

"It's time" is all Steve says.

I'm coming for you, doll.

There are those words again. "Love... Night..." each one makes my head throb.


"Please stop!" I yell





"Shadow" the man says.
"Ready to comply" is all I say.
My misson is simple. Make sure the carriers go up and stay up. Stop at nothing. Kill Captain America and The Winter Soldier.

Easy peasy, right? I've got this. I'm amazing at my job. That feeling is here again though. The one where I feel like this is wrong. But I have a job to do, and feelings get in the way. So I push it down and lock it up.

I walk to all the jets except one and throw grenades into them. I go to the only one left and use it to get to the carrier.

As I land and get off, the bird man shows up with the captain. I quickly run and knock Cap off the side. Bird man tries to save him, not so fast birdie.

I grab him and sling him backwards, he starts shooting so I jump behind the nearest thing for cover. He goes to fly away so I shoot my zip tie to him and catch him by one of his wings. Got cha' now birdie. I pull hard and rip his wing off. This is where you get off the ride birdie. As he stands I run towards him and knock him off the carrier. Two down, one to go; metal man.
I'm waiting right by where he needs to put the chip. It's the last one.

"You don't have to do this."
"Yes, I do metal man."
"Please Y/N, don't make me do this."
"I'm not making you do anything, and do not call me that!!"

I throw one of my knives straight to his head as I run towards him. In my surprise he catches it. He blocks almost every hit, honestly he fights good. He hits me in my nose making me stumble back, I spit blood out. I run to him knocking us both over the rail.

As I get up I try to wrap myself around his neck how I done before but I somehow fail, it's like he knows my every move. I feel his metal arm tighten around my neck.

"I'm so sorry doll" is all I hear before I black out.
As I wake up I see metal man making his way to lock the chip in place. Not happening.

I grab my pistol and fire a shot, hitting him in the leg. He falls for a second, but the damn man keeps going. I don't hold back this time. I fire again, and again, and again. He falls down, but he still gets back up.. he did it. It's locked in.

All of a sudden the carriers are under fire. Something falls on me. Shit, I can't move.

"FUCK" I yell

No matter how hard I try it won't move. I see metal man struggling too. Hell, atleast we will both die here.

"Shit, shit, shit"

Then I see metal man make his way over to me. God, is he going to shoot me? Atleast he is cute.

"I'm coming" I hear him say.

He lifts it just enough for me to slide out. Why is he helping me? It's pissing me off.

"You know me" he says.
"NO I DON'T!!!" I yell as I charge toward him and hit him in the jaw, we both fall. Why would I know him?

We both get up panting.
"Y/N, you've known me your whole life" he tells me.

I land another hit to his jaw. I don't know him!!

He gets up while he says, "Your name is Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N"
"SHUT UP" I yell as loud as I can while punching him again, I can't do this. My head hurts.

"I'm not going to fight you" he says, "you're my friend"

I don't even know what that means. I look at him for a second before I run towards him, grabbing his waist and bringing us both to the ground. This ends here.

"You're my misson" is all I say as I punch him over and over again. I can't fail my misson, not again.

I go to hit him again as he says, "Then finish it...cuz I'm w-with... y-you till the e-end of the line..."

What? Then I watch as he falls into the water. There's no way.. Soldier? Bucky? Oh god, what have I done?

I jump in after him and pull him to land. He is alive but knocked out. I remember him. Not alot, but enough. What do I do now?

I get up from beside him and walk away. I can't stay here. Not after everything I have done. I need to find myself and my memories. I hope everyone will forgive me. I hope Soldier will. Then again, why would he? Or anyone else?


AHHH! I have 6 views so far! Doesn't matter if you liked it or not. If you didn't so far, thanks for trying. :)

Also, instead of one chapter a day, it will now be two a day. Sometimes I'll even do three.

Anywho, thank yall! :)

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