C.8: Not Again

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It has been a day since they found Y/N. Nobody has wanted to leave her side.

"The doctor said she's fine now. It is just a matter of her waking up" Tony says while walking into the hospital room.

"We have Rumlow in custody" Steve says while standing up, "I'm gonna go talk to him"

"I'll come too" Nat adds

Bucky has been sitting by her since she came from surgery. If only he had been there, instead of going to the kitchen. All because he wanted something to drink.
I feel weighted down.. Wait. I'm suppose to be dead.

I open my eyes and shoot up in bed.

"Hey calm down, you're safe" Sam says while grabbing me to calm me down.

It helps. I lay back down and look around.

"Are you okay?" He asks me

"I don't know" is all I say while grabbing his hand

I hear the door open and the team walks in.

"We missed you so much" Red says

"I missed you guys too. I really want to go home" I tell them

"I'll talk to the doctor" Tony says while walking back out
The doctor agreed for me to come home, as long as I'm on bed rest. Although I don't think Tony let him decide much about it.
So here I am, laying here watching Netflix.

"Hey doll, I got you some food" Buck says walking into my room

"Thank you"

He lays beside me while I eat.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I had just walked to the kitchen" He informs me

"Buck it's not your fault."
"You woke up two minutes after I left. I was just there" He says
"It doesn't matter. They wanted me, they would have tried even if you were there" I tell him

He sighs and wraps his arms around me now that I'm done eating.

"I love you" he says
"I love you too" I say back while he kisses my forehead.
It has been a week, everyone but Tony had to go on a misson. I think he just didn't want to leave me alone. They will be gone for a few days.

I can finally leave my bed, so I'm making my way to the kitchen. I'm starving.

I look in the freezer for pizza. I get it out and get it ready for the oven.

"What cha' doing?" I hear Tony ask
"Just got hungry" I answer
"Well, do you want to watch a movie?" He asks
"Yes!!" I answer

We get done with the pizza and head for the couch.

He turns on Netflix and asks, "Funny or scary?"

"Scary!" I say smiling ear to ear
We ended up watching 'IT' Chapter one and two.

Tony faces evil almost everyday, yet he is scared of a clown; It's so funny

Now it's time to get serious though. I haven't told anyone about my powers or what happened to me while I was there, and nobody has wanted to ask. Although I'm sure Tony knows what was about to happen to me right before they showed up. I think that's one reason he doesnt want me to be alone.

"So Tony, I kinda need to talk to you about something."

"God, I love it when you say my name. Go ahead though" he says

He kills me.

"Something happened while I was at hydra" I start. He turns his attention fully to me.

"I have powers.. I can read minds and make people see things. They said I had more too. They did these sessions to open my mind"

I can tell he's thinking. I refuse to use my powers on my friends, no matter how bad I want to know what they're thinking.

"Do you know what they did during the sessions?" He asks

"Not really. They would put me to sleep, then inject me with something. Atleast that's what they told me...." I say while starting to cry. Why is this my life?
"Hey, it's okay. Everything will be fine. We will figure this out together, okay?" he assures me

"Okay" is all I can say. I believe him. He's an arrogent ass but he has always felt like a safe place.

"Lets go to the lab and run some tests; see what they gave you" he says getting up.
I'm sitting down in the lab while Tony runs test after test. Its been an hour since he started.

"Alright, I'm done. Some results might take longer than the others to come in"

"Alrighty then" I say standing up

"Im gonna be in here if you need me" he tells me before I walk out
"You have to run, Wanda! Take your brother and go, NOW" I yell to my only friend here

"No! I'm not leaving you here!" she yells back

I hear the alarms go off and three guards run towards us

"Please, go! I can handle these three, but more will be here soon" I tell her

"I love you Wanda, so much" I say while turning and running towards the guards

I pray that she makes it, while more guards run towards me
I jump up in bed sweating.


How could I forget her? I helped her escape with her brother. She made my life with hydra bearable when she showed up. I couldn't see her suffer anymore and did for her what I couldn't do for myself.

They tortured me for days because of it.

I have to find her..


Im sorry this chapter is short. :( Hope you're enjoying so far. I will hopefully get the next chapter up tonight, I have to finish writing it. I usually finish chapters a day before posting but i have been busy the past two days. ITS THE WEEKEND THOOO, YAYYYYYY :)

I hope you guys have an amazing weekend. Please know, if you are struggling with anything, I'm here for you. Doesn't matter your age or whats wrong, I'll listen.

Im 21yrs old and a girl. If you have insta, mine is @ dallyyyy_ If you ever want to message me if you need a friend to talk to :))))))))

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