C.35: Can You See?

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Author's Note: Please remember I have to change things to make this story work.

My eyes slowly open, taking in my surroundings. I'm definitely not where I'm supposed to be. I'm outside, in the middle of nowhere. I stand up, still trying to gather myself. I look at my hands and try to pull my magic but it still isn't working. "That's just great."

"It won't last long." I turn, coming face to face with a woman. I look around her before trying to speak. "what-what's happening?" I ask her. I don't feel any hostility coming from her. She feels almost.. peaceful. "All will be answered soon, Selene." She smiles. "Selene? That's not my name.. I think you have the wrong person." She just smiles, as her long dress flows with the small breeze. "I want to assure you, you are in no danger. Please, follow me and we can get answers to all the questions I'm sure you have." She turns, not even waiting to see if I will follow her. I take one more glance around, not really having a choice but to follow. I have no idea where I am. I'm quite certain I'm not even on earth anymore, at least it doesn't feel that way. The energy is very different.

I walk behind her, making sure to keep checking our surroundings. We are in a field, but walking towards what looks to be a forest. The field is full of wild flowers, so many different colors. She walks with such grace that makes her look like she's floating. Her hands reaching out over the flowers, like she's caressing them as she walks by. I keep a few paces behind her, not wanting to be too close. She may seem peaceful but she kidnapped me. I don't trust her. She hums to herself as we get closer to the forest, the warm setting sun sending a beautiful haze over the forest line.

We make our way into the forest, walking at a steady pace. Up ahead, I see the gentle glow of a fire. The smoke blowing up past the tops of the trees. Once we get closer, I see it's a small camp. A tent on one side, with a small fire across from it. There are logs around the fire, and she takes a seat on one. As I hesitate, she looks up and smiles, pointing a hand to the other side of the fire for me to sit there. I do, looking around once more. "Where are we?" I ask, finally looking at her. "My home, for the moment." She answers, putting her hands up to be warmed by the fire.

"Can you answer my questions now?" I ask, getting irritated. Why am I here? Who the hell is she? "I'm sure you're wondering who I am.." "Well, yeah.. who are you? Where are we? and why did you kidnap me?" She smiles softly, looking over at me. "I am your mother." Excuse me? No. "No." I shake my head, not believing this for a second. There's no way. Absolutely not. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. You were taken for me, many years ago," she states, her sad eyes looking off into the night sky, "You were banished to earth. I never knew where to find you. That is, until Thor and Loki started coming to earth. It was put onto my radar, so I started watching. Earth is a very different place, that's for sure." She laughs, looking over to me again.

I'm not laughing, though. "How am I suppose to believe this?" I question. "Your name is Selene. You are a Goddess of the Moon. Your Earth is in trouble and you don't have much time left. He's coming." There's no way this woman is for real. She quickly stands, I follow. She walks towards me, pulling out the glowing orb. "You need to protect this. He will come for it. He's coming for them all." She grabs my hands, pushing it into them. "why are you.. what are you saying, lady?" She puts a hand to my cheek, those beautiful eyes glowing. "I wish we had more time.. I will see you again, soon."


My eyes pop open as I feel my body jerking. "There you are, what happened?" Buck asks, Sam standing behind him. "What?" I ask, looking around. I'm... still in this room. "How long has it been?" I ask, Buck helping me stand. "A couple seconds. The door slammed, then opened. You were just laying on the floor. The orb in your hand. The two people disappeared as the door slammed. Come on, let's get out of here." He grabs my hand and leads us out. I am so confused.

Back on the jet, I sit down, pulling the orb out. There's no way that stuff was real, right? "So what happened?" Steve asks. "I don't know. I grabbed it, then fell. We need to talk though, back home." I answer, using my magic to put the orb away.


In the meeting room, we all sit down. I pull the orb back, sitting it in front of me. I explain to them what happened. How it felt like I was gone for longer than a few seconds, the lady I seen. Talked to. How it felt so real. They listened, Buck putting his hand on my thigh in an encouraging way. Of course I leave out one thing, they don't need to know she's apparently my mother and I'm a moon Goddess, whatever that is. It doesn't even make sense to me. Once I finished, we sat in silence for a second. All of us remembering the warning Loki gave us, of Thano's coming. "It's got to be him, right? Thanos." I ask, finally breaking the silence. "Seems like it. I mean, it makes sense. He's after stones. She said he's coming for them all." Tony answers. All of a sudden thunder cracks outside, loud enough to shake the building. "Thor.." I whisper, all of us getting up to go outside.

There, in the middle of the yard is Thor, with a hurt Loki. We rush to them as Thor falls to his knees, blood everywhere. "What happened, Thor?" Steve questions, I rush to Loki, he doesn't look good at all. He's limp, but he's breathing. That's good I guess. "Lets get them inside."

We bring them in, heading straight for Bruce. Once we get them situated, I take a good look at them, what the hell happened to them? Once Thor gathers himself, the look he gives us sends a shot of dread through me. "It's Thanos" he rasps, "he attacked us. He's getting every stone." "Okay, lets all take a breath. Lets calm down, gather ourselves, then we'll call a meeting once you get your strength back, okay?" Steve tries, but Thor isn't listening. He tries to stand, "I have to stop him." "You can't do this alone." Steve says, him and Tony pushing him back onto the bed. "We will come back to this soon."

I sigh, turning around to leave. I need food, so I make my way to the kitchen. I'm still so confused, I don't know what to believe about any of what that woman said. It doesn't make sense. Well... it could, actually. But I don't want it to. Steve walks into the kitchen behind me, leaning against the counter. He sighs, holding his hands together. "I don't know what to do." He admits, looking down at the counter. I look around, hoping someone else will walk in to take over this conversation. I'm not that lucky, though.

"All we can do is wait, I think. We aren't sure when he's coming. I know we should be ready at all times, though. Stay alert. We can defeat him." I tell him, though I'm not sure I really believe it myself. "Yeah, hopefully we can. The world depends on it." He squeezes my shoulder as he walks out, his words sending a shiver down my spine.


We take time to ourselves the next day. Laying around, going out, whatever our hearts wanted us to do. Our nerves are all over the place, counting down our time. Loki and Thor are a little better today, and Tony called Wanda and Vision home, so they are on the way back. Once everyone is together tomorrow, we'll try to piece together a plan.

But it's hard to make a plan when you don't really know what to plan for.







Author's Note Incoming::::

We are entering the Endgame and Infinity War. Which means, updates may be slow (I'm getting better, I promise.) because I have to sit down and watch BOTH movies as I type. I have to watch, pause, type, play, watch, pause, type, play. REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT. So it's going to take awhile.

I do have questions, though, since this is basically the end. How we move forward is up to you.

1. I can write two big parts for each movie, and publish both back to back. BUT it will be a good bit before it's published, because it will take a good bit to finish.

2. I can write two big parts and publish each as I finish. (So not together).

If you don't want either of these options, I will write each movie in parts and publish as I finish. Either way, it's still going to take a bit, but with the two options above, you can read it and be done faster.

I will start as soon as this is published. :))

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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