C.15: Something's Wrong

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A/N- I got locked out of my account after getting a new phone. I couldn't remember my password & tried too many times I am so sorry 😢 but we are back to "normal" now! Sorry guys

"Hello darling"
I open my eyes to Loki beside me..

"W-what is this?" I panic
"We are in your head" he smiles
"Leave me alone Loki!" I yell
"Oh no, darling. I told you you were MINE. We will be together again soon"

"No.. they got you. Thor took you back to Asgard"

He laughs and kisses my forehead.. as he disappears he whispers, "see you soon, love"
I slowly open my eyes, taking a minute to gather myself.
I look around, Bucky is laying beside me.

I sigh in relief.

Bucky heard me, turning to look at me.

"You scared me doll. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"
"You passed out. You've been asleep for a day"
"What did Bruce say?"
"He said you were just exhausted, that the past few weeks must've finally caught up with you"

"Can I leave here? I want your bed" I smile
"Of course" he picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room. He closes the door then lays me on the bed.

"So what do you remember?" He asks
"What?" I look at him
"Before you passed out doll. What happened?"
"Oh.. um, I had woke up and went to wash my face. My head started hurting then I just fell"

"I'm sorry" he kisses my cheek
"It's not your fault babe"
"I'm gonna let the others know you're okay. I'll get you some food too" he stands up to leave
"Okay baby. Hurry back please"
"Of course doll"

I rub my face.

I slowly look up to see Loki sitting in front of me..

"No.. no you're not real" I whisper
"You're right, doll. I'm not really here, but this is real" he smirks
"Leave me the hell alone"

The door opens and Bucky walks in with pizza.

I look back and loki isn't there anymore.

"What's wrong? You look pale" he sits down, putting his hand up to feel my face
"It's fine.. I'm just hungry"
He doesn't look convinced, but hands me the pizza anyway and turns on a movie.

It has to be my mind playing tricks on me.

I wake to Buckys alarm going off. Time to get back to "normal".

"Morning doll" he says, getting up to change.
"Good morning" I give him a small kiss
"I have to go train, want to go?"
"Yeah I'll meet you down there" I smile
He gives me another kiss then leaves.

I don't even want to move.

I get up and grab a hoodie, pulling some leggings on.

I make my way to the training room.

As I get to the elevator, I'm so stuck in my head I run straight into Sam.

"You okay?" He asks
"Yeah I am"
"We need to talk" he says with worried eyes

I want to come up with an excuse of why I can't, but I owe him an explanation. I can't blow it off anymore.

"Fine" I answer, following him to his room.

"Soooo, what's up?" I ask as I get comfortable on his bed. We'll probably be here a good minute.

"When are you going to explain what happened? Have you even told anyone yet?" He asks
"No. I haven't told anyone. While loki had control of my mind, either him or something else opened it all the way. I have all of my powers, apparently. I haven't even used them except what you saw. I don't even know what they are" I look down.

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