C.30: Peace

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Author's Note: I want to post a reminder before we continue. When writing about something like a dress, room decor, room looks, etc. YOU make it what YOU want. Since this is you, whatever it is should look the way you imagine it should. Not everyone has the same taste, so I like to leave it open since this is a Y/N. :))

There's smoke and dust everywhere. Everyone is looking towards the downed building, waiting. Hoping. Bucky watching desperatlely for his girl to come back to him. He knew the moment he vouched for Loki that he might not get her back, but he couldn't help it. He needed her, he needed to try. He also knew Y/N wanted to try helping Loki. They had talked about it for awhile. He hated the idea, but Y/N knew there was good in him somewhere. She wanted to find it. He'd do whatever he could to support her in any way. So when Loki wanted to save her, it was a win win. She would be safe, and it would be a step up for Loki.


Loki finally appears, Y/N in his arms. "Is she okay?" Bucky asks, running towards them. "She's fine, just tired." Loki answers, handing off Y/N to him. Everyone takes a minute to finally look around. Stark Tower is no more. "What do we do now, guys?" Wanda asks. "While we get everything figured out, I actually have something to show y'all. I was going to do it tomorrow, but today is better anyway." Tony sighs.


I feel around, feeling leather seats. My head is on someone's shoulder. Atleast I'm alive. I slowly open my eyes, the setting sun shining brightly. "You're up" I hear Bucky say. I smile, so glad to hear his voice again. "I'm so tired." I sigh, "Where are we going?" I ask. Sam is driving, Steve in the passenger seat. Bucky on one side of me, Loki on the other. I roll my eyes. "You know I hate being in the middle." "Don't be dramatic, you literally almost died." Sam says. "Whatever." "Tony said he had something to show us. So we are following him" Steve says.

A few minutes later, we start up a long driveway. It's a huge building, it's beautiful. "Is this what I think it is?" Bucky asks. We all get out, Tony coming straight for me. He looks angry... He grabs me by the shoulders, "Don't you EVER do that again!" "I'm fine. It's fine." "If it weren't for Loki, you wouldn't be. Speaking of, we have to have a chat raindeer games." He says, sighing. I look at Loki, he's eyeing the building, not bothering with it. So he saved me, again. He doesn't have his bracelets on, and he's still here? Wow...

I hold Bucks hand as we make our way inside. This must be the secrete project Tony had been working on. He was so excited for it. The inside looks just as good as the outside. "This is our new home. Everyone's rooms are already prepared. Since you're now here, Loki, I even made one for you. You done good saving Y/N, and you're still here. That says alot. We still have alot to work on, but for now, you don't have to wear the bracelets. You still can't leave, though. Only if someone is with you." "Thank you." Loki answers. I see the surprise on everyone's face. Loki just thanked him. No attitude, snide remark. Wow.

Everyone parts ways, going to explore. I don't want to though, not yet. I'm so tired. "Go take a nap, doll." "We need to figure out what happened." "And we will, later." Bucky smiles while pushing me towards the room. It's beatiful, big, and just feels like home. Tony knew what he was doing, or should I say Pepper? It was probably Pepper. I sigh as I fall into the bed. It's so comfortable. I need to wash though, then I'm passing out. I make my way to the bathroom, opening the door. Does everything have to be huge? I turn on the shower, letting it heat up as I undress. My head hurts, everything hurts..

After washing my hair, I pause. The dream, or whatever it was.. I called out to him.. atleast that's what he said. He sounded so familiar. I try to put a face to his voice. "Are you okay?" Bucks arms wrap around me, scaring me back to reality. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking." I turn so I'm facing him and smile. "You wanna talk about it?" He kisses my forehead. "No, not right now. I do want to later though." "Want me to take your mind off of whatever it is?" He smirks, kissing my jaw. I smile, "Maybe." "Hmm, yes or no doll?" "Yes"

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