C.16: In My Mind

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It's been 3 days since Thor told me the news I was dreading. Either answer was a bad one.

I've barely left my room. Everyone has tried to talk to me. I know they are worried. I know I should get up but quite frankly I just don't want to.

Buck hasn't talked to me at all since I told him. So much for 'no matter what'.

Ever since Thor let me know Loki is still on Asgard, I just can't function right. He's everywhere. I don't understand it, he seems so real..

"Because I am" fake Loki says from the end of my bed.
"No you aren't. You just fucked with my head so much" I roll my eyes and sigh.

I can't do this anymore. "I'm not gonna let you control my life anymore" I whisper.

"Dont even think about it" he seeths out

I grab my phone and dial Thor.

"Hello?" he answers
"Hi Y/N"
"I need to speak with you.. in person. Alone, please"
"Of course. I'll be right up" we hang up.

"I know what you're thinking. It will never work, darling. You can't get rid of me" fake Loki says standing beside me. "Just shut up" I breathe out.

I pace around the room waiting for Thor. What if fake Loki is right? Maybe Wanda can..

There's a knock on the door. "come in"

Thor walks in and closes the door behind him.
"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"I need help, Thor. I have to get him out of my head. I cant take it anymore" I cry
"I understand. I might have a way but it won't be easy. We will also have to go to Asgard"
"I'll do anything"

"I don't know how long it'll take"
"It doesn't matter. As long as I try to get him out. I don't know what he done but he's everywhere. It's gotten worse. He's literally standing right beside you"

Thor looks to the side of him. "Hello, brother" Loki smiles menacingly. I roll my eyes.
"What's he saying?" Thor asks
"Well, he says 'hello brother'. It's so aggravating Thor"
"Ah yes, I agree"

All of a sudden there's another knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask
"Open the door or I will" Wanda says

I let out a sigh and open the door. She walks in, I close the door again.

"I can do it" she blurts out.
"What?" Thor and I ask at the same time.
"I can get him out"
"How do you even know?" I question

"I have heard you talking to him. I've been worried about you. I can help, you don't have to leave and nobody will know"

"Are you sure, Wanda? I mean this is alot.."
"Yes" she smiles

I hug her and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you"
"No problem. I love you, I know I can help so I'm going to"
"I love you, Wanda"

"I'll help anyway I can" Thor says
"We will need to leave the tower if you don't want anyone to know. It's going to hurt" Wanda tells us

I think for a minute.
"I think I know where we can go. It was an old house I used once while running from Hydra. There's generators for power and all. It hadn't been used in years when I found it. It's also far from people. I always wanted to move there whenever I was able to"
"That would work.  You are going to scream, maybe even pass out. Is it a comfortable place?"
"Yeah, it's completely furnished. It's a really nice place" I laugh

"Tell me where it is, I will go make sure it's clear and take things we will need as far as food and stuff" Thor says

I give him the address after looking it up. He smiles at us then leaves.

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