Authors Note

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I'm really sorry I haven't updated. I know I've been really inconsistent with updating all together.

I haven't been on here this time because my brother passed away; and it's just really got me down. I haven't wanted to do anything.

I have been working on the story on paper, I just haven't typed it out. Which I am working on now. I even got the ending together, but I'm redoing it because I don't feel it's good enough. I will be working tirelessly to get what's on paper typed out and published this week!

You guys deserve better, because I know I hate having to steady wait for another chapter; especially for weeks at a time.

Please be patient while I proof read & type everything out! I have a bad habit of wanting to change things once I start reading over it.

I anticipate having the next 3 chapters published throughout the rest of the week.

Once I have everything finished this week, I will be figuring out a good schedule to post the chapters so you don't have long to wait, that also gives me time to update and finish the upcoming chapter(s) so we stay on a good schedule going forward.

Thank you for sticking with me this long. You guys deserve the world! :))) XOXO

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