C.2: Who?

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I don't know what happened. They told me he left me. How could soldier just leave me? I don't know why I believe them so easily.. but I do.

I wake up in a cell, but it isn't hydras. It's cleaner here, more of a cozy feeling. Where is Shadow? I hope she's okay. I don't understand it, but I love her. I feel it everytime I'm around her. I try to remember what happened. She shot the target, the cap jumped out of his window toward us. I gave her an order to run. I knew that was the only way she would listen. I done my best to stay between her and captain america. I watched her jump, then it went dark... god I hope she made it. I hear the cell door open tearing me from my thoughts. I look and see Captain walking in.

"Do you know who you are?" he asks.
"The Winter Soldier" I answer. He gives me a worried look.
He then says, "your real name is James Buchanan Barnes. We called you Bucky."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm Steve Rogers, your bestfriend. You fell from a train many years ago, with Y/N."
"Y/N?" I say. It sounds so familiar.. where do I know that name?

"Yes, Y/N. She was your girlfriend. She fell from the train, you fell trying to save her." He says.

Then it clicks.. I remember.

I'm strapped to a metal chair. It has been a few days since they told me Soldier left. How could he? We promised to never leave each other. I hear the door open and Alexander Pierce walks in.

"She isn't Shadow. She is compromised" I hear a guard say. They all have their guns drawn on me. How funny.

"What's going on?" Pierce asks me. What am I even suppose to say?
Then he slaps me. I would've cried, but I don't think I can.

"Wipe her. Make her forget him." I hear him say.

I'm pushed back into the chair and then the pain begins.

"They have her" I tell Steve. How could I let this happen?
I hear him say, "Have who?"
"Y/N" is all I say.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, she is The Winter Shadow. They basically made us for each other. We are the same except she is a little stronger."
"Lets get to work then. We will save her and take hydra down." Steve says.

Lets hope this works..

When I wake up I feel like a new person. I stand up from my cell bed and walk to the door waiting to be let out since I am awake now.

"We have two targets for you, Shadow." The agent says.

He hands me a file; Captain America and The Winter Soldier. Let the fun begin. I can't wait.
In the truck I have my eyes on the targets in the car ahead of us. I climb out the window and jump onto their car. I grab the rat through the back window and throw him into trafic; nasty, but fun.

I start shooting into the car, one of the idiots pull the E brake, I slide off and roll onto the road. I quickly get up and watch as my agents in the truck ram into the back of the car. As it comes towards me I jump on top of the car, busting the back window. I shoot through the front window busting it, I then rip the steering wheel off. Good luck without it, fuckers.

The pretty red head starts shooting at me so I jump back onto my agents truck. They will wreck in a second anyway. My driver rams into them again and I watch as they hit the side of the bridge and flip over. Of course the Cap had a plan; I watch as they fall from the car into his shield and slide across the road.

I jump down and grab the grenade launcher from my agent and shoot straight for the Cap. It hits his shield and sends him flying backwards into a bus. Next I aim for metal man and the pretty red head, I shoot and they both jump over the bridge.

I switch guns and start walking towards the side they jumped over. I see nothing so I walk to the other side and look around. They are a pain in my ass!! As I'm looking over the red head takes a shot from my blind spot and gets me in my arm. "BITCH!!!" I yell.

I stand up and say, "Get the damn captain, I've got these two."

I jump down and start looking. I spot red running, so I aim and shoot her in the shoulder. That's payback, bitch. I see metal man to my left, I go to aim and he knocks it out of my hand. Fucker. I go to land a hit to his jaw and he blocks it. He's fast, but I'm faster.

"STOP IT!!" I hear him yell.
"Go to hell" I say back.

He goes to knock me out, I kick my leg up as fast as I can and jump around to his shoulders. He stumbles backwards to slam me into a car, I won't go down that easy though. I'm able to get my legs right around his neck and I squeeze, eventually knocking him out.

Now for the pretty red head. I find her hiding behind a car. I pick my gun up and aim; I hear something to my left and of course it's the Cap. He runs straight to me with his shield up. He picks it up more to throw it at me, I catch it at an arms length. Hmm, that's funny. He thought he had me; Not so fast pretty boy.

I throw it back at him even harder. He lands on top of a car and slides behind it. I grab my pistol and start shooting. As I reload he lands a good hit to my jaw. Yeah, that shit hurt. Why has he not died yet damnit? He goes to uppercut me with his shield but I block it and take it. This thing is nice. I go to knock him out when I feel someone grab me from behind.

"You have to snap out of it doll" I hear him say.
"Shut up and die already!" I manage to yell.

I kick and punch but have no luck. I feel the metal around my neck. I finally get at a good position and head butt him. I move away from them both, pick my gun up and aim.

"Y/N, please doll, stop." Metal man says. Y/N?
"I don't know who the hell that is!" Who is that? Who do they think I am?
"Please, I can't loose you, not again!" he yells at me before a grenade is shot at the car beside me.


The chapters will get longer soon. We just have to get through the beginning. :) I honestly dont expect anyone to read this story, I just wanted to write one myself because I could never really find one with a storyline and more things I actually like. Plus I have always loved to write. I have never showed others my work though. So if you read this and made it past chapter one, thank you. whether you like it or not. also, if there are any errors with spelling or grammar, let me know!! I'm 21 but I try to type so fast I don't catch every mistake.

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