C.25: Til' The End Of The Line

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Two weeks later and we are leaving. We are actually going on vacation. "You ready?" Buck asks. "Yeah, I guess so. Although it would be very helpful if you told me where we are going so I'd know what exactly I needed to pack!" I roll my eyes.  "It's a surprise, doll. Can't ruin it." He kisses my forehead. "Alrighty, plane leaves at 10am, so you guys need to leave at 9. So, in 30 minutes." Tony says as we walk into the living area. From what Bucky has told me, Tony set everything up. Honestly, I don't think Buck even knows much about where we are going.

"Sounds good" I say, sitting down. Buck walks away, probably to find Steve. Something's going on with Stevie, and I can't figure it out. He hasn't really been here, if that makes sense. He's here, but his mind isn't. He's always going on 'walks' too. Sam hasn't been here much either. I think whatever it is, they are both in it. "Are you listening?" Tony says. "Oh... yeah. Sorry." I smile sweetly. He rolls his eyes, of course. "You need to get ready to go. Don't worry about things here, if we need y'all, we will call."

-An Hour Later...
**TW: Sexual Content, nothing major.

_____ keeeeepp going.. giving you a little chance to skip if you wannaaaa...

P.s. I really HATE saying the word dick and pussy, and I'm 22, much less writing them. Even worse, cock. LMFAO. Which is why I write 'core', etc mostly. So pls bare with me., i'm gonna try. Just know I'm probably gagging every time. LMAOOOO




We boarded the jet and took off. I've rode a lot of planes in my life, but I always get an uneasy feeling every time. "You okay?" Buck asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smile. "Need a distraction?" he smirks. "Hmm.. maybe" I bite my lip. He walks over bending down between my legs. He takes my shorts off, kissing up my legs. "What if the pilot hears?" I whisper. "Let 'em" he growls. Shit shit shit.

He takes my panties off, giving my core a kiss as he pushes them down my legs. Once they're off, he positions his head directly between me. He puts each leg over his shoulder and drapes one arm over my stomach to keep me still. Without warning he starts sucking, making me throw my head back with a moan. I try to keep it quite but he doesn't like that. He bites me just enough for it to send a wave of pleasure through me. He takes his hand and puts one finger into me as he keeps licking and sucking. My back arches and I already feel close, but I want more. "More" I say, as he puts another finger in. His other arm grips my stomach as I start to move.

He gives one more swipe up my pussy sending shivers up my body. He gets up making me frown. "Up" he demands, lifting me out of the seat. He kisses me hard, my juices all over his lips and in his mouth. He lays me face down on the couch, not even giving me a minute before he plows into me. I scream, silently cussing myself out because I know they heard. "Louder" he demands, but I don't give in. He picks up the pace, gripping my hair. "Louder" he growls. I don't give in. He slaps my ass and that does it. I moan out, shaking and shivering. "Again" he says, slapping my ass again. I moan his name out as he says "You feel so good doll". "Cum for me, now" he groans out. My eyes roll back and I tense up, feeling it wash over me in waves.

Three Hours Later....

It's been a long  but eventful flight. Finally, we are here. We step off the plane and realize we are in  Hawaii, I smile. Apparently Tony has a secret house here. We get settled in at the house and take a look around. It's amazing here. There's a nice breeze going, and I can smell the ocean. "Are you hungry doll?" "Yes please. I'm starving." "Go get ready." He gives me a quick kiss and we go our separate ways. I change out of my comfortable attire and look through my clothes. I'm so glad I decided to bring more warm weather clothes. I look at the dresses I packed. We are going to go to The Original Roy's, it seems like a somewhat fancy place.

*What you're wearing, change if you want :)

*What you're wearing, change if you want :)

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P.S.- I've never been to Hawaii, please forgive me if I get anything wrong. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible, so I'm using google to research things. Such as the restaurant, I googled 'places to eat in Hawaii' lol. Per the pictures of it, it looks a little fancy. I'm also googling Hawaii names, places, things to do, etc etc. Please feel free to correct me if I get ANYTHING wrong, because google isn't always right and I don't want to offend anyone. Thank you


I walk down the stairs and Buck is waiting for me. He smiles when he sees me. "You look very beautiful, sweetheart" he whispers as he takes my hand. "And you look very handsome." We make our way out and head towards the eating place. We decided to walk, as it's not too far.

The restaurant is beautiful. Our hostess takes us to our table. It's on a balcony overlooking the water. It's peaceful. "What would you like to drink?" Our waiter asks. "I'll take a glass of red wine" I tell her with a smile. "The same for me" Bucky says. "I'll be right back with your drinks, feel free to go over our menu. I'll be back" Leilani tells us. She's beautiful and I absolutely adore her name. "There's so many choices" Bucky laughs. "It all sounds so good" I tell him, practically drooling over the menu. A couple minutes later, Leilani comes back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" She smiles. "Yes. I'll take the Rainbow Crudo Jalapeño Ponzu" I tell her. "And I'll have the Slow Braised Beef Short Rib" Bucky orders. "It'll be out soon" she leaves. "So, what do you want to do after?" Buck asks. "I have no idea. Anything on your mind?" I smile. "Let's take a walk down the beach?" he smirks. "Sounds good to me my love" I giggle.

Our food comes and we spend the rest of our time eating and talking. I wish this could last forever. I wish we could just stay here until the end of time. I know we can't, though. The people need us, our friends need us. We couldn't just leave. As much as I wish we could, even if given the chance I probably wouldn't.

We pay and leave a tip, thanking her. Buck grabs my hand and we make our way out. We walk down towards the beach, the cool breeze feeling amazing. The sunset has the sky looking a pretty red. I stop and take off my heels, I want to feel the sand. Surprisingly it isn't burning hot. "Let me take 'em, doll." Bucky grabs my heels and takes my hand. After walking for a little, he stops. "It's beautiful" he smiles, looking out. "It is" I lay my head on his shoulder. "What's that?" He asks, pointing to our right. Is it a shark? "What is it?" I ask, turning to look back at him.

He's down on one knee. "Y/N Y/L/N, I have loved you since the very first time I set my eyes on you. You have always been the love of my life. I look at you, and I'm home. You are my home. You always put a smile on my face. We never really talked about marriage, and while we were with hydra it wasn't even an option. Now it is. And I want you to be mine in every way possible. I'm not really good at this," he laughs, "Will you please do me the honor, and be my wife? Mrs. Barnes has a ring to it, don't ya' think doll?"

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