C.27: Sunrise

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He's actually proposing. What if I say no? Would he cry? I can't believe this is happening.

"Yes" I cry as he stands up, spinning me around in a hug. He puts me down, grabs my left hand and puts the ring on. "I love you so much, Buck" I tell him, giving him a hard kiss. "Come on, I've got a surprise back at the house" he says as he takes my hand and rushes us along.

As we get back to the house, he takes us up the stairs and to the roof. He has a pallet set up, and a projection screen waiting. "We're gonna camp out up here, and watch the sunrise" he smiles. I love him so much. We spend the rest of the night loving each other's company, and when the sunrise came, I was the happiest I've been in a very long time.

Home; a couple days later..

"Well if it isn't the love birds!" Sam says as we finally make it home. "Oh shut up" I laugh as Buck rolls his eyes. "I missed you" I tell Sam as I give him a hug. It was an amazing vacation, but really, I am glad to be home. "What's this?" He says as he grabs my hand. He inspects it, then looks up at me with wide eyes. "Well, I said yes" I smile. "It's about TIME!" He yells, hugging me again and picking me up off the ground. He sits me down and walks over to Buck. He grabs him by the shoulders then hugs him. I smile. They act like they hate each other, but really they are the best of friends. They either lie to themselves or just truly don't realize it. It's honestly funny. 

The rest of the team isn't here, so we head to our room to unpack and relax for a little while. "I'm going to go grab something to eat, doll. I'll be right back." He kisses the top of my head before walking out. I take a minute to sit down. Something feels off, but I can't quite place it. I take a deep breath and roll my neck before getting back up. I start unpacking, putting everything back in its place. I really am glad to be home. I missed everyone. Sometimes I wish this wasn't my life. That I could just get a house in the middle of nowhere, maybe start a farm. I'd have horses, dogs, goats. It would be peaceful and safe. That isn't reality though. Atleast, not mine. I couldn't have a normal life knowing there's evil out there, and I could help. Maybe one day I could...

A Few Hours Later...

Warning::: SMUT, somewhat violent. Pain kink, knife play, etc. There will be THREE periods "." before it starts, to give you time to skip. I will write "OVER" when you can start reading again.




We've been watching movies for the last few hours. It's currently 8PM and the rest of the team still isn't back yet. They are taking forever. Although I wish they would hurry because I miss them, I really want something else right now. I turn my head to look at Buck, his eyes are glued to the TV. I smile, sitting up a little then grabbing the bottom of my TShirt and lifting it over my head. "What are you doing?" Buck asks, watching me carefully. "Minding my buisness, what about you?" I whisper, standing up on my knees. "I'm minding my buiness too, doll" he says. He watches my hands as I move them down my body, hooking my fingers under my panties, slowly pulling them down. He sits up a little, still watching my hands as I pull my panties down my legs.

I'm naked now, and he's still just watching. I slide over infront of him, but instead of getting on top of him, I sit a little between his legs with mine on either side of him. He grabs my legs tightly as I lay down on my back infront of him. He licks his lips as I bring my fingers to my mouth and stick them in, licking them slowly. "Y/N," he whispers, his grip tightening even more. I slowly take my fingers out and slide them down my stomach, before reaching my center. I rub slowly up and down, he groans, but doesn't move. He knows what I'm trying to do. I circle my clit before inserting two fingers inside me, going in and out. I make sure to moan slowly, trying to do any and everything to get him to lose control. I need it.

All it takes is a few more strokes. He grabs my hand, yanks me up and slams me on the other side. He rams in to me fast, taking my breath away. He grabs my throat tightly and picks up his pace even more. "Bucky" I moan, barely able to breath but I want more. I need more. "What is it baby?" he grunts, rubbing his finger over my bottom lip. "More" I say, and he understands. His eyes go dark, and his touch goes colder. It makes me shudder with fear and anticipation. He leans over towards the bedside table, getting something out of the drawer. He comes back over and I hear him flick open the pocket knife.

I still as he looks down at me with his darkened eyes. He's a gentle man with me when I want him to be. Right now, though, I don't want gentle. I want him to destroy me. He takes slow strokes as he brings the tip of the knife down, easily sliding it from my throat down my stomach. He doesn't hurt me, not yet. "Is this what you want? ... Hm?" he asks as he adds more presure to the knife, making a little cut under my boob. "Yes" I groan out, he licks the cut and thrusts harder into me, taking the knife and running it over my thigh, drawing blood again. He continues to leave cuts along my stomach and thighs, never letting up on his thrusts. "Oh god," I cry out as I feel my release building already. "Oh no, baby. You don't get to cum yet" Bucky's words make my legs shake. He pulls out, roughly turning me over to lay on my stomach. He lifts me up so I'm on my knees with my ass up for him. He growls, grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling my head back, "You don't cum until I say so".

He holds my head down into the bed as he takes the knife and runs it slowly down my ass cheek, I shudder as the pain turns to pleasure, and I don't know how much more I can take. He finally throws the knife down, and uses his now free hand to smack my ass. I cry out, so close to cuming that my vison blurs. He leans down over me, reaching around and pinching my nipple. "Baby.. p-pplease" I moan, not able to take it anymore. I feel the switch. His touch grows softer, yet still rough. He lifts me up so we are both on our knees, he grabs my throat as his other hand rubs my clit. He kisses my cheek, "cum, baby"  and that's all it took. I cry out as my vision blurs and my body shakes. He does a few more thrusts before he cums too. His grip loosens and he lays us both down. He pulls me into him even more as he soothes my body with his touch.


We take a little while to gather ourselves. Once we do, he gets up and helps me clean myself. "Are you okay doll?" he asks, slowly gliding over the cuts. "Of course, baby. Let's go take a shower" I tell him before grabbing his face and kissing him deeply. We quickly shower, getting dressed. I just put on a big TShirt and leggings. As we start to climb back in bed, the alarm goes off. We look at each other before running straight out the door. We head for the meeting room and as we grow closer, I slow my pace, stopping in front of the door. Someone else is here. Someone who shouldn't be here. "Doll, whats wrong?" he asks as my face pales. "No.." I whisper, my body feeling cold. "We've got to go in baby" he tells me as he turns me around, his eyes filled with worry. "Y/N.. what is it?" he asks again, but all I can do is look up at him with fear filled eyes, and not the good kind of fear......


Y'all I am so sorry it's took so long to update.. I haven't been doing too good. Depression sucks. I'm back now though, and more chapters are coming. Please forgive me.  Also, I'm sorry this one was so short. I promise the next one won't be!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, or a Happy Holiday. I wish you all the best for this New Year. :))

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