C.13: In The Sky

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I wait in the shadows for the rest of the plan to come together.

Loki appears behind me, putting both hands on my shoulders, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I can sense this isn't him either.

He made another hologram of himself appear inside the cage.

The ship starts free falling and I almost fall, making Loki's hologram hold me tighter.

"I've got you" he whispers

We watch as the cage door opens and Thor barges In just as the hologram steps out

"NOOO" Thor yells running to the cage

Loki's hologram fades, making Thor go into the cage, with the door closing behind him.

We step out of the shadows

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asks, as I stand behind him, a little to the side.

Thor tries smashing his hammer into the cage glass but each time it connects, the cage falls.

Loki laughs, "the Humans think us immortal. Should we test that?"

He nods at me, so I walk towards the control panel.

Just as I'm about to touch it, an agent walks in knocking one of ours out.

"Move away, please"

Loki walks infront of me, blocking me from the agent

"You like this?" The agent talks about his gun, "we started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer..." he says while walking closer. "Even i don't know what it does"

He powers up the gun, "do you want to find out?"

The real loki appears behind him, stabbing him through his back. The loki in front of me disappears.
"No!" Thor yells, heartbroken

He went to get his scepter.

The agent falls to the ground and loki walks towards me at the control panel, smiling.

"Let her go brother"
Loki laughs and nods to me

I open the door below the cage and step back.

"Y/n, please don't do this" Thor pleads

"Oh no, brother," Loki opens the panel door to a red button, "she's mine"

He pushes the button and the cage falls

Loki steps away, and we turn to leave.

"You're going to lose" we hear from behind us

We stop and turn around, "am I?" Loki asks

"It's in your nature"
"Hmm.. your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky.. where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction"
"I don't think I'm.."

I know what the agents planning before he does it.

I quickly push Loki out the way just as the agent fires the gun he held

It knocks me backwards through the wall

Thankfully, loki gave me new armor and a new suit or i would be dead. It hurts like a bitch but it didn't kill me.

"Now why would you do that?" Loki scolds me as he picks me up
"Last minute thinking I suppose"
"Well, how about don't think anymore, you could have died"
"I'm fine. Let's get the rest of the plan going"

Loki rolls his eyes, but let's me go. They head one way while I go the other way.

Loki needs to leave without being followed, so I stay behind awhile to distract whoever needs it.

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