C.10: Evil

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Y'all I am so sorry for the delay.. I haven't really been in the best mood, mentally. All I've wanted to do is literally nothing. No motivation 🥲 but, I'm getting myself together. Let's start the next chapter! Xoxo

Everything has been quite. I also met Spider-Man, Peter Parker, we have become pretty close friends.

Tony loves him like a son. It's honestly so sweet.

I'm sitting in the living room listening to Peter ramble about a girl he likes. He is apparently too scared to tell her though.

"Just walk up to her and tell her how you feel man" Sam tells him

"I can't.. not yet" Peter sighs

"You'll never know if she likes you unless you ask" Bucky says

"What he said" I say. He is such a good kid.

"It's not that easy" Peter rolls his eyes

Just as I'm about to respond, tony walks in.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight" he suggests
"That sounds good to me" I answer

All of us agree. Now to agree on what to eat! There is always an argument.

"So what are we eating?" Red asks

"Japanese" Sam shouts
"Chinese" tony shouts
"Mexican" Steve shouts

All at the same time.....
I roll my eyes and put my head in my hands.

"Alright. We aren't arguing over this again" I say getting up. I grab Sams hat, "write each place down and put them each in the damn hat please"
Tony of course rolls his eyes

After putting the choices in, I shake the hat and get ready to pull one.

Everyone is sitting around while Sam, Tony, and Steve are huddled around me. I roll my eyes yet again.

"Alright" I say while grabbing a piece of paper out.

I open it up and......


"HAAAAAAA" Sam yells!

Tony and Steve scoff and shake their heads, everyone else laughs

"Get ready, I'm hungry" Thor laughs out
We arrive to the restaurant and walk in to find a table.

"Right this way please" our host says

We get to the table and sit down.

Tony, me, Buck, Steve, Sam, Wanda on one side and Thor, Red, Peter, Bruce, Clint on the other side.

Everyone tells our waiter, Elissa, what they want to drink.

"It's been very quite lately" Clint announces
"Well please don't jinx it" I tell him

Everything has been smooth sailing. Buck and I are happy. We still have nightmares, but it has gotten better. Steve and I have gotten back to how we use to be. Wanda is so happy and I love it for her.

"I still think Y/N cheated" tony scoffs out

Here we go.

"Dude. All three of you were literally right there watching my every move" I roll my eyes
"Whatever" he mumbles

Our food comes and we eat, then make small talk.

"Oh, by the way, you're paying Tony" I smile
"Oh baby, I'd do anything you say when you call me Tony"

"Really?" Buck says sarcastically while everyone else laughs.
"It's okay Barnes, I won't steal her from you. Yet" tony says with a grin

"Shut up, both of you" I laugh out

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