C.34: Stone

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GUYS IM SO SORRY YET AGAIN. I had surgery on the 29th and it threw me out of it. I wasn't suppose to have it until February but they had an early opening. My laptop quit working so I've been using my boyfriend's PC desktop computer and did not feel like sitting up here. Seems like every time I try to get into a groove something happens LOL. BUT I'm feeling a lot better now. This chapter will be short though.

Nothing else came about, so we didn't need to sit around the meeting room long. I finish putting my hair into a braid as I step onto the jet that'll take us as close as we can get without being noticed. Sam, Steve, Buck, Nat, Bruce, and Clint are already here. Just waiting on Tony as usual. Wanda and Vision left, along with Loki and Thor. There was something going on with their home that needed to be dealt with. As far as Wanda and Vision go, they just needed a break, which I understand. They left a few hours ago. Thor and Loki left about an hour after our meeting this morning. I'm still wondering how Thor even knew something was wrong.

Finally, Tony comes strolling in after leaving us waiting for 15 minutes. "It's funny you set times that you don't even listen to" I glare. He rolls his eyes before saying, "I set them, which means I can ignore them." "Oh whatever." I sit down between Sam and Buck, leaning my head back. We are in the air by the time Tony gets situated. "Okay, we don't really know what we're walking into here." Steve states, getting ready for his amazing pep talk. I tune him out. I feel Buck grip my thigh, rubbing little circle's with his thumb. Nat and Sam start arguing once Steve is done, which is nothing new.

The jet stops as close as we can get, all of us getting ready. "I feel whatever that thing is already." I tell them, leaving out the part where it feels like it's calling to me. I pull my straps tighter against my shoulders. "Be as quite as possible. Let's try to get in and out unnoticed." Steve directs us. We make our way out, slowly going closer through the woods. We're about a mile away from the building. Sam uses his drone to get closer, seeing if there's anyone outside or any traps. "Nobody outside. There are 6 hotspots inside the building, one a lot bigger than the others. I think that's the orb. It looks like it's only those two there still."

What could they possibly be doing? "What's the layout?" I ask, "Where's the orb?" "It's pretty small. Five rooms, the two are together in one of them. The orb is in the third room.. on the right." Third room, on the right. "I'll take it. Buck and Sam with me, the rest of you keep us clear." I tell them. Once we can see the building, we stop, Sam looking with the drone one more time. Once Steve gives the all clear we move in. There are 3 openings so me, Sam, and Buck take the side one. Tony and Nat take the front one, while Steve and Clint take the back. Bruce is our backup.

Once we know the door is clear, Buck slowly slides it open. It's mostly dark, with very low lightening from a few candles hanging on the walls. That's odd. "In" everyone whispers into their coms. in and out, it's that simple. At least I want it to be, but I know it won't happen that way. "Clear" Buck whispers, walking close to me. One room down. "It seems like they are sleeping, let's move quickly." Tony says. As Buck clears the second room and Sam keeps watch, I head straight for the third room, on the right. I know Buck is probably screaming at me in his head but we need to move.

I listen intently for any noise coming from the room. Once I'm sure it's all clear, I slowly open the door and peek in. Right in the middle of the room is the orb, with nothing else around it. Just a plain.. room. As I'm about to walk in, a hand stops me. One I'm all too familiar with. I stare blankly at him, "you know I have to get it." I whisper, giving him a small smile. "Stand watch, I'll be in and out." A few seconds later, he finally relents. Shaking off my nerves, I slowly enter the room. I take four steps towards the orb, looking back just to make sure the door is still open and he's still there. Of course he is, his eyes catching mine. Buck gives me an encouraging nod.

I don't understand it. I've been in worse situations. So why am I so damn scared? The energy is so strong, almost suffocating. Just as I reach my hands out to grab it, all the candles go out. The only thing I can see is the glow of the orb. "Lets go, they're moving." Tony says, just as I grab the orb.

Pure power surges through me, making me wobble. I gasp as it grounds into me. I need to move, we need to go. I turn and head for the door but just as I'm about to reach it, the door slams shut. I can't hear a thing. I try to open it but it's not working. The door doesn't even have a lock. They must know, and they've locked my ass in here. "There you are" someone whispers. I turn, trying to see something, anything. The glow from the orb is bright, but not bright enough. "Who's there?" I ask. Why can I not here Buck or anyone? "Hello? Anyone?" I say, hoping it's my team who answers me and not whatever the hell I heard.

"We knew you would come, you always do.." That voice whispers, so close to my ear. I jerk around, lifting my hand to use my power, but nothing comes.. I can't.. "No... no, no .. no.. NO!" I scream, not being able to help it. My breathing becomes heavier, my eyes searching the darkness. The orb falls from my hand as I search around, for anything, to help me. "I can't.."

"We don't want to hurt you.." it whispers, no, not it. She. That's wonderful, I suppose. I laugh, I don't know why. "We just want you to see." She whispers, so very close to me. I reach out to grab where I think her voice came from but there is nothing there. Nothing...

I blink, over and over again. I'm dizzy now. Still stumbling around, trying to find something. "help me" I scream, hoping my team can hear me. A light pulses from my right and I look over. The orb is, pulsing.. like a heartbeat. I slowly walk towards it. Getting down on my knees at it, I move closer, completely entranced with it. I reach my hand out and touch it just as I hear that voice whisper, "I just want you to see..."

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