C.7: Taken

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I jerk up in bed and look around. Buck must've went back to his room sometime.

I look at the clock; 3AM. I hate being up alone at this time. It's scary, and thats alot coming from me.

I get up to go to the bathroom so I can splash my face. I have a major headache.

I walk out the bathroom and instantly feel as though I'm not alone.

I go to walk to my door when Tonys alarm system starts blaring, and my room goes into lockdown. Why did it do that?

I turn around and notice my window still open while everything else is locked, even the bathroom door.

I get into my fighting stance and search for the presense I feel... I don't see anyone.

I hear something move to my right so I kick and hit someone. Their hands go straight for my neck and rams me into my dresser.

Thats when I feel a pinch in my arm and everything goes dark.

"What the hell is going on Tony?" Nat yells
"My security system has been hacked" Tony answers

"Is everyone here?" Steve asks while looking around, "Where is Y/N?"
"SHIT" Steve and everyone run to her room.

"We can't get the door open Tony" Bucky says through his com
"I'm trying" Tony replies

The alarm cuts off and Y/Ns door opens. There is blood and broken glass everywhere.
The window is open.

"She's gone" Sam says while looking out the window.
Everyone is sitting in the meeting room.

"What happened?" Steve asks.

"Someone hacked my system. Three minutes. That's it. They put her room on lockdown. Jarvis, play the video feed from Y/Ns room thirty minutes ago" Tonys says

Video footage fills the screen.

"Y/N jerks awake, nightmare probably. She looks at the time. She then gets up to go to the bathroom. She closes the door here and that's when someone climbs into her room and waits in the corner. She walks out and its like she knows someone is there, but she tries to play it cool and starts walking to the bedroom door" Tony explains

"That's when the alarms go off and they put her room on lockdown"

They watch as Y/N tries to fight off the attacker until they inject her with something knocking her out.

"We will find her. We won't stop until we do. Whatever it takes" Steve tells everyone.

"Whatever it takes"

I wake up tied to a chair. I look around and notice two guards behind me. The door opens and someone walks in.

The motherfucker I danced with at Tonys party.

"You're finally awake. It's been two days, I was starting to think you weren't going to" He says.

Two days? Shit. I know the team will find me.

"I know what you're thinking. Your friends won't find you. Not where we are now" he says with a smirk.

"Lets get to the point, shall we?" he starts, "You are back home where you belong. We have alot of lost time to make up for"

"Fuck you" I breathe out.

"Oh? Don't worry, you just might get the chance to one day" he says coldly.

I have to get out of here

"Don't worry, you're safe for now. But you do need to be punished for being gone so long. Plus being with the enemy? That isn't gonna do darling"

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