C.5: Home?

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I wake up and check the time; it's 7:30AM. For some reason I can never sleep late. I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and regret it. I can't remember the last time I liked the person looking back at me.

I hear a knock on my door followed by Steve saying, " Hey Y/N, breakfast is ready."

"Okay, I'll be down in a second"

I knew I would have to meet everyone else soon. I don't want to, but I need to.
I step out the elevator and head to the kitchen. I hear everyone laughing and talking.

As I walk in everyone stops what they're doing and looks at me. I hate when that happens.

Bucky walks over and directs me to sit between him and Sam.

"What do you want? We have pancakes, bacon, sasuage, and eggs" Bucky tells me.
"Can I get some of everything? I can get it myself, too" I say.
"Nah, I got it doll" is all he says as he walks away.

"Well, you have pretty much met everyone but us. I'm Natasha, but you can call me Nat. That is Bruce" Red says. I like 'Red' better.

"Okay. Nice to actually meet y'all. I'm sorry, the way. For everything." I tell her.

"It's okay. We all know it wasn't actually you. The same with Bucky" Nat says while Bucky hands me my plate.

We all start eating. I mostly just sit back and listen to everyone. They are a happy family, Bucky too. How could I ever fit in here?
Everyone is sitting around in the living room when I get up and walk outside.

I open the door and step out onto the balcony. It's kinda chilly.

"What's wrong?" I hear Bucky say from behind me.
"Nothing. Just wanted some fresh air"
"I know you're lying" he says. Of course.
"You all just seem like you belong here. Me? Not so much" I reply.

"Really? You belong here just like the rest of us. I know how you feel though. I felt the same way when Steve first brought me here. I still do sometimes" He tells me.
"I don't think so, but thank you" I say back to him.
"You are more important than you think, doll"
"Thank you Buck. I'm glad I have you" I say.
He gives me a smirk and goes back inside.

Maybe I do belong here. Only time will tell.

I hear Jarvis say Nick Furry is here, and to head to the meeting room. Yeah, apparently I didn't kill him. I knew he was smart.

I walk in and sit beside Sam. He gives me a smile.

Furry walks in eyeing everyone and his eyes stop on me. Yay me.

"Ah, the famous Shadow. Nice to finally meet you, when you aren't trying to kill me" he says.

I wince at the last comment. I can't forget my misson to kill him. Sam can tell I'm mentally beating myself up and puts his hand in mine. I also notice Buckys annoyed look.

"Yes, sir. Nice to finally meet you too. Im very sorry about that. Atleast you are still alive though, I knew you were smart" I reply. If he wanted to be an ass, I could be one too.

"Hmm, I like you already" he says before stepping to the table.

"I'm here today to discuss Y/Ns situation. I want you all to evaluate her. Send me the paperwork and we will take it from there"

"Woah, what do you mean 'take it from there'?" Stark asks. I would like to know too.

"Well, the government would like to see her, and Barnes too, locked up. Me on the other hand, I want to see her on the team. Both of them. So make it happen" He says before he walks out.

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