C.9: Wanda

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A month.  A month since telling everyone about Wanda.

Bucky remembered her too.

We have searched everywhere, except one place.

"I think I might know where she is" I say to everyone, sitting around the meeting room.

"Where?" Steve asks while looking up from his file.

"I mean, think about it guys. We have searched everywhere except hydra" I tell them

"We have Rumlow though" Sam says
"He isn't the only person at hydra though. Like he told Y/N, they never fell all the way" Bucky states.

"We have blew up every known hydra base except these two" Tony says while pulling up a map.

"So, we try these two places, then blow them up. Agents are going to be everywhere on both sites. We need to hit them at the same time" Bucky says

"Alright. We break into two teams: Nat, me, Tony, and Clint. Bucky, Sam, Y/N, and Thor. Tony and Sam cover from the air. Bruce, you stay in the jet unless we need medical or code green. Everyone understand?" Cap asks

Everyone agrees and we each get a file to go over to make sure we have all our information right.

"We leave first thing in the morning" Tony says
Sitting on my bed watching TV and reading the file, Bucky walks in.

"Hey doll" he says while closing the door then coming to lay beside me

"Hey. You okay?" I ask
"You sure you're ready for a misson?" He asks

I figured someone would ask. I can picture Buck, Sam, Steve, and Tony huddled up in a circle going back and forth  over who should ask. Clearly Buck lost.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm okay. I wouldn't go if I wasnt ready" I assure him, "You can go tell the others now" I laugh.

He starts smirking and takes his phone out to text them. I knew it.

"So what're you doing doll?" he asks

"I'm just going over everything and watching TV. Im done with the file now though. Im gonna go take a shower" I say while standing and walking to the bathroom

I leave the door cracked and step into the shower once it heats up

I stand under the water when I feel hands go up my sides then back down. I smile.

"Thanks for the invite" he whispers in my ear

I smirk as I turn around to face him

"I left the door open" I say teasingly

I grab the shampoo and start washing my hair. I rinse, then do the conditioner. I always leave it in then rinse when I'm done with everything else

I finish washing my body while Bucky washes his hair. I then rinse and rest against the shower wall

"Tired doll?" I hear him ask

"Not too tired for you" I say while wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him. I feel his smirk against my lips

He picks my right leg up and slides right in, we both moan out

"You feel so good" he whispers while going in and out, slowly. His forehead resting on mine.

His cool metal hand slides down my stomach to my core where he starts rubbing in circles, he moves his lips down to my neck where he bites everywhere he can. My nails drag down his back

"Please dont stop James"

"Mmm, you have no idea what that does to me doll" he says while thrusting harder. He grabs my nipple and pinches just enough for it to be painful pleasure

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