C.14: Don't

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"Anyone else seeing this?" Tony's voice comes through the coms
"We all are" I answer breathlessly.

We make our way through the running crowd.

"Alright, here's what we do: Tony, you and Sam cover the air, you see anything leaving the area, bring it back or blow it up. Clint you go up there too, take out anything you see. Wanda and Y/N take this way, us 3 will go this way. We meet at the tower. Thor, light it up. Anyway you can. Hulk.... Smash" Steve finishes

I notice a look of hesitation on Bucks face. I don't want to leave him either.

Wanda and I make our way down the street. Moving civilians and killing aliens on our way.

"Everyone go that way! Get out of the street!"

"I missed you, Y/N"
"I missed you too, Wanda" I smile.

"Y/N, I'm bringing big guns to you and Wanda" Sam yells

We share a look, then see Sam flying towards us with a huge snake like alien hot on his tail

There is one thing I haven't told the team yet: my mind is fully open thanks to the tesseract.

I feel my power rise as I walk towards it. My eyes glow green as I stretch my arms out in-front of me, I ball up my fists and slam my hands down making it crash to the ground

"What the hell was that, Y/N?" Sam asks
"Drop it, Sam, please" I almost whisper

I didn't want anyone to know, and I didn't even want to use them. I didn't want this yet.

"It's okay, love" I hear Wanda say beside me.

We continue on our way.

We finally make it to the tower when Tony's voice comes in, "They are sending in a missle. 1 minute out"
"What do we do?"

"I have a plan"
"Tony.." I say
"God, i still love it when you say my name"

"I can hear every word" Bucky says

I hide my laugh

"Im up top" Nat says

"Im taking the war to them" Tony says

I know what he's about to do..

We watch as Tony flies the missle through the portal.

My heart is ponding, I can hear it in my ears.

We wait and wait but still don't see him..

Tears threatening to spill and my voice cracking, "Close it" I tell Nat

"Close it, Nat, Now" I say again with more force than intended.

Slowly the portal starts closing, as all the aliens drop one by one.

I waver, moving to enter the tower as Wanda gasps..

I look to see her watching the sky. I look up as Tony falls, fast.

"He isn't slowing down" thor says

He disapears behind a building

"Guys" I say

Two seconds later, "We got him" Bucky says

I smile.

"I'm heading to Loki" I say

"You don't go alone" Steve says with some frustration
"I have wanda"
As we walk in we see Loki slowly trying to escape.

He senses me and stops

"Hello, darling"
"Im not your darling. Never really was"
He smirks, "Oh but you are. You always will be"

Before I can respond I hear the rest of the team come in.

"You lost Reindeer Games"
"You have no idea what's planned" he laughs

"Get him out of here" Steve orders


The party floor is currently being fixed.

Fury has called a meeting so I make my way there.

I'm pretty sure it's about me.

I sit between Bucky and Sam, Buck holding my hand. I have my head laid back.

I hear the door open and sit up.

"I called this meeting to checkup on everyone. Mostly you," He looks to me "he had you for awhile. Anything we should know?"

"No. Nothing really happened" I lie. I hoped none of them noticed, but Bucky and Sam did. Tony too.

"What made you snap out of it?"
"Tony" is all I would say.

"Could we finish this up tomorrow? Im tired" I didnt even wait for an answer as I let go of Bucks hand and went straight to my room.

Everything is how I left it.

I lay out sleeping clothes on the bed and head for my shower.

I turn on the water and undress.

*********TW: S#X ABUSE/R#PE **********
I did not feel comfortable actually writing it out, so its just talking of it and there will be some mild flashbacks. I will ALWAYS give a TW beforehand. Please skip the rest of this chapter if you are uncomfortable, triggered easily, etc. I tried to add space between this TW and the rest of the story. Love to you all.

I remember everything.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I scan my body looking at every bruise.

My throat, wrists, sides, and thighs are covered.

He left his mark everywhere...

He made sure I would remember.

Crying silently I get in the shower and scrub every inch of myself so hard it hurts.

Why me?

I can still feel his hand around my throat as he bites my neck and shoulders...

After washing I wrap a towel around me and walk out the bathroom to find Bucky sitting on my bed.

I stop and watch as his eyes scan my body.

"What did he do to you doll?"

I didn't think I had anymore tears, but now they're streaming down my face again.

I sob as he wraps his arms around me and sits me on the bed.

He carefully moves my towel, now seeing the rest of my body.

He puts my tshirt and panties on, then puts us both under the covers.

Both facing each other, I have my face to his chest as he plays with my hair.

"I love you so much doll, Im here when you're ready"

"I love you, Buck. More than you'll ever know. Please don't leave me, I missed you so much"
"I missed you doll, so much. I promise I'm not going anywhere"

He places a kiss to the top of my head and I snuggle closer as the darkness elopes me.

I wake up sweating.

I heard his voice.

I sit up and look around, Buck is still asleep.

I sigh and slide out of bed walking to the bathroom. I wash my face and stare into the mirror.

My head is throbbing.

I start to feel weak and stumble backwards..

"B-bucky.." I whisper as my eyes see darkness

we will now be back on track. But there's a few questions I have:

1- Do you want this to be a strictly Bucky book? or do you want some drama (drama you both can bounce back from)? Even if we do this it will still be Buck endgame, GHEA!
2- If so, who would you want the FWB (friends with benefits) to be? Steve, Sam, Thor, or Tony? Wanda, Nat?

LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!

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