C.29: Boom

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It hurts.. everything hurts. I take a minute to gather myself. My ears are ringing again. I slowly stand, my body protesting. "Guys?" I try, "Hello!?" I touch my head, regretting it once I feel the warm liquid. That's great. I listen for a moment, hearing a hellicopter and distant screaming. I don't feel anyone close though. "Isn't it great how you can still feel, even hear the things happening, even though you aren't mentally there anymore?" Someone says. I look around, not seeing anyone. I don't even feel them.. "Who are you?" I ask, hoping they will reveal themselves. "Oh my child, you should know. You called out to me. I will be there soon."

"Hey, hey. It's Loki. Get up!" I'm shaken awake, staring straight at Loki. Was I asleep? What the fuck was that? "What's going on?" I ask. "We've got to move, darling. They're coming" he whispers. "Who's coming?" I whisper back. He steadies me as we hide behind a bunch of ruble. This place is about to fall, and we're going to fall with it. I hear footsteps, coming closer and closer. I see a red laser hit the walls, then I see them. Shield?

I look at Loki, he's watching their every move. Maybe they are here to help, they have to be. I slowly move to stand, Loki stopping me. "They should be here to help." I roll my eyes. "Hey guys, what's happening?" I say, slowly walking out with my hands up. "Y/N? You've got to come with us. Hurry!" One of them says. "What? Why?" I ask. "We're here to help, let's go ma'am." he says, still not answering my question. "Anyone else here with you?" the same one asks me, looking around. "No, no. Just me. I was looking for the others." "Ok. Everyone's out already. You're the only one left in here." Lie.

I feel it before he does it. He pulls the trigger. It's not a bullet though? I throw my hands up as a force knocks me sideways. I land on the ground, hard. I open my eyes to Loki laying beside me. He saved me? Why would he do that? I look back towards the men, some knocked out, others hopefully dead. "Come on, Y/N. We've got to get out of here." "Where's Nat?" "I don't know." "You didn't look for her?" "Why would I?" I roll my eyes.

We make it to the 3rd floor. I stop Loki, listening. "So that's it, huh? Take us out?" Tony. "No, not all of you. We want the girl. She's worth alot." Someone says. "What girl? Got to be more specific than that." Bucky. Okay, he's alive. "The Winter's Shadow. There's more to her than any of you know. I'm sure she doesn't even know." I hear him laugh. I sense someone coming towards the left of us. I back up towards Loki to hide us. As they come closer I hold my hand up, ready. Almost...

Just as I go to use my magic they grab my arm, which in turn makes Loki grab them, which in turn makes alot of noise. "Steve" I whisper. We let each other go as we get surrounded. "Well, there she is. Just the girl I was looking for." The man says with a smile. "So I heard." "Leave her here. Put the rest over there." They push me to my knee's beside the unknown man. He is dressed as Shield, too. They take Loki, Steve, and Nat by Tony, Bruce, and Bucky. Okay, atleast they don't have everyone. Thor, Sam, Wanda,.. "I'm talking to you" the man slaps me. I laugh, seeing Tony roll his eyes, Bucky smile, and Loki looking like I'm crazy. I think he has that one covered though.

Thunder cracks, shaking what's left of the building. Dust falling on us. Thor's here. This building won't hold much longer. I look around as lightening flashes and Thor's hammer soars through. I kick out and knock the man off his feet. I run straight for Buck as Thor's hammer knocked the rest of the men out. "You alright?" he looks me over. "We've got to get out of here." Tony says, calling his suit. The rest of the team and agents come in. I look for Loki, seeing him stand away from everyone. He helped me when he could've just left me to die. The least I can do is just look out for him, right? He has nobody but Thor. Everyone hates him, rightfully so, but people can change.

"You listening?" Bucky asks, snapping my attention back to the problem at hand. "Yes, yes." I sigh, grabbing the back of my head. It hurts so bad. "Let's get somewhere safe, and regroup. Let's go. This place is coming down any second." Just as Tony finished, the building started crumbling. It was going to crush them. I throw my hands up, feeling the power pulse through me, and out my hands. I hold steady, trying to hold everything up. "GO!" I yell, "You've got to come on Y/N, I'm not leaving you!" Bucky yells, "Just go! I'll be fine! I'll teleport outside, okay?? Just go!!" The weight of the building is getting heavier. I've never used this much power. I feel my legs start to shake, and lord do I wish it was in a good way. I notice Steve grabbing Bucky, they're almost out. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I haven't gotten the teleportation down yet. I always fail. Once I feel they have all made it out, I fall to my knees. I don't have enough energy. I'm hurt, bleeding everywhere, I can't do this. I figured this would happen, though. I knew it the moment I felt the building shaking every so often since Loki and I made it down here. I took a risk, and it isn't going to work in my favor. Not this time. I'm okay with that though.

I smile just as dots fill my vision. Peace..

Loki's POV:

I can already tell she won't make it. She's too tired. She's going to get herself killed. Why do I care though? I watch as Bucky tries to talk her out of it, he really loves her. That's good. She deserves it. She's the only one who has treated me like a person, even after everything I done to her. I see her growing weaker already. She isn't going to make it. "She isn't going to make it. Take it off!" I tell the iron man, holding my hands out. "What? Absolutley not!" "She is going to get crushed! I can help!" I try again, hoping he will do it. "Do it, Tony." The captain and Bucky say. "For the love of.. If you take off, I will hunt you down! And you better bring her back!!!!" I hear him yell as I teleport.

I see her on the ground, smiling as her eyes close and her arms fall.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the late update. My computer broke, and my new one just came in the mail today. I absolutely HATE FedEx!


How do we feel about the friendship starting between Y/N and Loki? Yes, No, Maybe So? Because I can still ruin it and make him the "bad guy" again? I wonder if he's going to take her and run? What do you think?

Next Chapter will be posted tomorrow, I promise!

I had the next few chapters finished and waiting, but since I lost my computer I think I lost them all. I can't find them :( So I'm having to rewrite. I write on a different app then read over it and paste it here. I'm going to start writing it all here though, that way nothing like this happens again.

Please forgive me :((

ILY and hope you're doing okay, in all the ways! Don't forget to take care of yourself. XoXo <3

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