C.28: Not You Again

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Bucky opened the door, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. Once he seen what I felt, he stopped. Everyone looked at me with sad eyes. Thor stood up, telling me he was sorry through his eyes. I slowly look over to what I felt.. or more, who, I felt.


I take a minute to actually look at him. I can tell he knows him looking, yet he doesn't dare make eye contact. He's sad, guilt ridden... I feel it. Good. He deserves it. I hope it eats him alive. "What's he doing here, Tony?" Bucky's voice pulls me back. I look over to Tony, waiting for him to answer. "That's what we called everyone here for. He has some information we need. There's a new threat." he says calmly. Steve stands up, clearing his throat. "We don't know much yet. Everyone is safe with Loki here, though. We've put enchanted locks on him that won't let him use any power." I roll my eyes. "My brother wasn't himself, not entirely. Someone was controling him" Thor says. I look away. All of a suden Loki looks up at me, "I am very, truly sorry." I feel sick. "Don't talk to her" Bucky angrily tells him, "You don't get to say shit to her." I didn't realize how tightly I was holding his hand until I suddenly let go, heading straight for the door. I hear them calling for me, but I can't. I feel sick to my stomach.

Once I get out, I run straight for my room. I slam the door and veer towards the bathroom. Here it comes. A touch on my back startles me, but I quickly realize it's Buck. I don't have to be scared. I'm okay, I'm safe, right? "It's alright baby. You're okay." He whispers as he pulls me into him, taking a wet rag and wiping my face with it. He rubs my back, and wipes tears that I didn't even know were falling. "You're safe, sweetheart. I promise." "H-how could they?" I cry. How could they just let him come here? Blindly let me walk into a room with him? How could they think that was okay? "I'm here baby" Buck says, pulling me closer. For them to think that everything he done to me is okay just because he was being controlled? Is it? Really? "Come on doll. Lets get in bed." He scoops me up, taking us to bed. He holds me close, whispering soothing words as I cry myself to sleep.

- Buckys' POV:

She finally went to sleep. Slowly cried herself to sleep. I can't believe they did this. Why didn't they atleast let us know? It was wrong, and I'm going to make sure they know it. I won't let him get near her. I don't trust him. I take a minute to listen to her slow, steady breathing. Once I know she's okay, I slide out of bed, making sure not to wake her. I close the door behind me. I make my way back towards the meeting room, stopping outside in the hallway. They are all arguing back and fourth. "How could you guys do this?" I hear Sam ask. "We didn't have a choice, Sam." Nat replies. He scoffs, "You could've atleast let them know. Hell, could've atleast let me know." "We couldn't, we didn't have time." Steve says. "Yet you called an emergency meeting knowing they would run in here and immediently see him. You should have warned them." "If I may..." I hear Loki say, followed by everyone yelling "NO".

I finally get tired of them bickering, and walk in. It goes quite. I stay by the door, trying my best to avoid looking at him. "Buck.." Steve tries, "I don't get it." I cut him off, "You guys know what he did to her. Yet you couldn't even give her a heads up. Honestly, I don't think she'll forgive you for this. And I don't blame her. She's sleeping, now. Whatever this whole thing is about, you can catch us up tomorrow. Without him." I put my hand on Sam's shoulder, thanking him. I walk out, headed towards the kitchen. I hear someone following, not really caring who. "We had to bring him here, Buck." Steve says. "I don't care, Steve. It doesn't matter if you needed to bring him here. You let her blindly walk into that room. She knew something was wrong. She felt his presense before I even opened that door. You didn't see what he done to her, Steve. Mentally and physically." He sighs, "I know. I'm sorry." "I'm not the one you should be apologising to." I tell him as I walk out, heading straight for my girl.

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