On Ice

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Evelyn watched Steve's interaction with the fake nurse, chuckling as he realized things weren't right. It took all of what thirty seconds, maybe forty five. In reality he'd been to that ball game with James. She'd chosen it for that reason. Her piece of James. She'd given Hillary the tie, Howard's tie. Her bra was ill fitting and so was her shirt. Something no self respecting woman from the forties would have allowed to happen. She watched as the Agents tried to stop him. Steve barreling through the walls. She watched on Fury's body camera Steve's minor panic attack in the middle of Times Square. The defeat as he realized he missed his date with Peggy.

"I do have someone for you though," Nick stated, "If you want to see them."

"I highly doubt anyone is still alive sir," Steve snapped.

Evie rolled her eyes. Ever the smart ass Rogers. She exhaled as Nick told Steve Evelyn Stark was still alive.

"I want to see Evie," Steve said.

"Then Captain you're going to have to trust me."

"Where I come from trust is earned. And I've yet to see you do anything to earn that trust sir," Steve sassed.

"Get in the car Cap," Evie urged from her living room.

"I can call Evie," Maria offered, "She's in her townhouse in Brooklyn. Watching now. On a computer. You can talk to her Captain Rogers."

Evie watched as Steve nodded once. Her cell phone started to ring seconds later. Maria's contact information coming across the screen. Evie answered, "This is Evelyn Stark."

She watched Steve slowly walk closer after hearing her voice. "Stevie it's me. You're okay. They'll bring you to my home. And we'll talk. They're good people. Most of them were hand picked by Peggy and I."

"You sure about this Evie?"


"How do I know it's you?"

"James asked Howard for permission to marry me. Howard said yes, but just to wait until after the war was over."

"I'll get in the car. I'm coming to you Evie," Steve said.

"I'll see you soon." She hung up the phone. Evelyn paced by her front door until Fury and Maria showed up with Steve. She opened the door as soon as Steve exited the SUV.

Steve stared at her, "You should be ninety by now."

Evie laughed, "I am. I just look great for my age."

Steve shook his head as he climbed the steps to the front door. Evie waved off Maria and Fury and closed the door. Steve stood staring at her, "Explain."

"Similar serum. Interesting side effect. Howard wanted to recreate the formula. It wasn't quite the exact same thing," she stated, "So on a cellular level I'm about twenty eight to thirty years old and frozen there."

Steve sighed, "If I'm alive and so are you. Is it possible he might have survived?"

Evie shook her head, "If I believed for one second James was alive I wouldn't be here. I'd be looking for him. He's gone Stevie. It's just you, me and Pegs."

"Peggy is alive?"

"She is. She's in DC. She has a nurse that checks in on her daily. But she's alive and mostly independent," Evie said.

Steve looked around the town house, "Do you live here?"

"Not permanently. I mostly live in DC. My nephew is in Malibu. I spend some time there on occasion. I come here some. It depends on if I need to meet with people in Manhattan or not," she said, leading the way to her kitchen. "Tea? Coffee? Water? Bourbon?"

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