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Two weeks earlier Bucharest Romania

Evie knocked twice on the worn wooden door to the safe house. James answered quickly, ushering her inside. She'd arrived in Romania two hours ago, getting through customs under one or her many aliases.

"Hey how are you?" she greeted, hugging him tightly.

He took a deep breath, breathing her in. He missed her when she was gone, but he wasn't ready to come out of his solitude. It had taken him awhile to accept that the beautiful woman now standing in his apartment was once the love of his life. After DC his memories of her came flooding back. He'd wanted to spend his life with her. Only she'd spent that life time alone.

"I'm okay," he answered, letting her go, "How are you?"

Evie put on a fake smile, "I'll be okay."

"You're not okay though," he responded, "What's going on?"

"I'm tired of lying to Steve, he's in Lagos following a lead to find you. Rumlow, should've killed the bastard myself," she said, settling down at the table.

James sighed, "Thank you for not telling him."

Evie nodded, "Of course."

He went over to her, the apartment always felt like home when she was there. She was his home. He pulled her to stand up. His forehead rested against hers, "I missed you." His lips brushed against hers, kissing her softly. On her last visit three months ago they'd shared a couple of quick kisses nothing more. She'd been more focused on building his trust and making sure he was okay and healthy.

"I missed you too," she murmured, kissing him, "I love you James. Always have always will."

He moaned against her lips his hands roaming her body. The kiss deepened, his tongue exploring her mouth. Evie nibbled on his bottom lip, as she tugged on the hem of his shirt, lifting it up slightly. His mouth froze against hers, he pulled back slightly.
She groaned, "I'm sorry." She moved away from him, giving him space.

James pulled her back to him, kissing her once again. "No, don't pull away from me doll," he said unbuttoning her coat and sliding it off her shoulders.

"Are you ready for this?" she asked, as he kissed her neck. She moaned, her hands going back to his shirt. She pulled it up over his head.

He froze, once again, under her gaze. She kissed him quickly, before her hands started to explore his body. He'd changed, but so had she. He was thicker, more muscle covered his body. Her fingers danced across the planes of his stomach, before making its way to the scars at his shoulder. She traced the scars as he inhaled sharply. Her green gaze met his blue one.

"I love you." She kissed her way along the scars, where the arm was attached. Where he'd tried to claw it off. She'd around him after a nightmare trying to remove it, the first time she'd stayed with him. It was something he'd admitted to doing several times over the last seven decades. "All of you James. Even the parts you don't think deserve it. That includes your arm."


Evie smiled, "It means you can hold me again. Those dark parts mean you're alive. That you're here with me."

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