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Evie dropped her go bag in the living room as Morgan and Pepper ran to hug her. "How long are you back?" Pepper asked.

"A few days. Then I'm going to make sure that Sam's family has all the necessary technology to remain safe. They were threatened," Evie said, "Really I should have flown straight there but I needed to come home. And Sam went to Baltimore."

"And Uncle Bucky?" Morgan asked.

Evie looked at Pepper, "He did what he does best."

Pepper frowned, "I'm sorry Evie."

The older woman shrugged, "I want to watch movies and read books with my Morgs. Then off to Louisiana I go."

Morgan looked up at her, "Is it hard to save the world Auntie Evie?"

"Yeah, it is," Evie replied, picking Morgan up, groaning as she did so.

"You're hurt," Pepper said.

"I was flung into a forklift by the imposter," Evie replied, "After I had my ass handed to me by Karli Morgenthau. Sam has the shield."

Evie and Pepper settled on the couch after they tucked Morgan in. "What's your next step Evie?" Pepper asked, "Because you can't keep coming home like this."

"I'm finishing this," Evie said, "After that. I think I'm going to start building the house. At the look out spot. Maybe hang up the hat. I was never an Avenger and now I feel like that's all I do."

"What about James?"

"He has like three weeks left. Give or take," Evie replied, "I'll figure out a way to end this so he can have a life."

"When did you stop being selfish?" Pepper asked.

"I don't know but it's not a good look," Evie laughed, "I just want peace. Either by myself or with my husband."

Pepper sighed, "I miss him. When you're gone and it's just Morgan, Happy and I. I miss him. It's lonely Evie. I'm lonely and I can't imagine how alone you've been the last eight decades."

Evie bit her lip, "I made due. Once everyone was mostly gone is when it was at it's worst."

Pepper frowned, "Are you going to go after him?"

"I did that once. It's his turn to come to me. To prove to me he wants me," Evie replied, "It's his turn to make a gesture."

Pepper squeezed Evie's hand, "Do you have hope?'

Evie shook her head, "I don't. Not anymore."

Evie settled across from Sarah at Sarah's kitchen table a few days later, "Where's my idiot best friend?"

"He's working on the boat," Sarah said, "We have to sell it." Evie stared at the other woman blankly. "He never told you did he Evie?"

"I might kill him. I seriously might end your brother," Evie replied, "Why didn't you all ask me for help? Sarah."

"I didn't even think," Sarah replied.

"What do you all need?" Evie asked, "I'll gladly do anything to help."

Sarah sighed, "Evie you've done enough setting up security. I can't ask you for anything else. I won't ask you for anything else."

"You don't have to ask. I'm offering, I'm never going to spend this money. Not in a million lifetimes. Let me help you," Evie stated.

Sarah smiled, "Thank you Evie. My brother was an idiot."

"He is. But he's my idiot. I'll gladly be a silent partner and invest in the business," Evie said.

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