At Last My Lonely Days Are Over

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One Year Later

Evie glanced down at her dress, it wasn't what she'd imagined decades ago when she first planned to marry James but it was simple and elegant. The bodice was boat necked trailing into long lace sleeves. Her back was on full display. The lace and silk pooled at her feet. She looked every bit of the bride she was supposed to be. The bride she finally was.

Her hair was down and loose only pulled back on one side with a pearl clip that was Peggy's; something old. She had a sapphire necklace that was Maria's, Pepper had pulled it out of the safety deposit box for her; something blue. Her something new was the simple silver bracelet Clint and Laura had given her yesterday when they'd rehearsed this shit show. Apparently it was something Nat had bought her for one of those many missed birthdays post snap. A thank you from both of them. Something borrowed, her pearl earrings were Pepper's a present from Tony, something to represent him and Howard, now three of the four Stark women had worn them on their wedding day.

Sam knocked on the door, before peaking his head in, "Love, you ready?"

"I thought Pep was walking me down the aisle?" Evie said.

"Oh she is. As your best man and his oddly enough your husband's best man as well. I just needed to make sure you didn't need a getaway car," Sam stated, coming into the room. "We can always make an exit." He looked great in his gray suit, eyes bright. His two best friends were finally getting married again.

"You know when I told you what my plans were to find him, I never expected you to do everything you have to make sure we get here. Honestly if you had said I'm not helping you I would have left it and you alone," Evie replied.

Sam pulled her into a hug, "You first and foremost have always been my best friend. A piece of me that's outside of my body Evie. We have a history. You're a million years old you have a history with a lot of people. But I loved you before I was in love with you. It was easy to slip back into loving you because I knew you weren't my forever. And I knew how much you were in love with him. I might be a piece of you. But Buck is fully your heart and soul outside of your body."

"I love you Sam. I don't know if I ever thanked you for getting me- us here," Evie said.

"Seeing you in this dress about to marry the man you've always loved, again. Is more than enough thanks," Sam said.

Evie kissed his cheek, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'll never have to find out," Sam promised kissing her forehead.

Pepper came in, in an elegant emerald green jumpsuit, "Let's get you married."

"Again," Sam added, before slipping out.

Evie smiled, looking out the window of the cabin she'd shared for so long with her family. James was on the dock Peter and MJ at his side waiting on her. They'd grown close with the two teens, being the mentors they needed to get through the insanity of their new lives, adulthood with a superhero. He looked up at the window and winked at her. Evie waved, before looking at Pepper, "I'm ready now."

Pepper held out her hand for Evie. "Let's do this thing."

Evie took Pepper's hand. The two walked hand in hand to the front door, Pepper opened the door as they stepped outside.  Everyone was gathered at the dock, waiting for her. Pepper kisses her cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too," Evie said, as they started to walk down to the dock.

I'll be seeing you, In all the old familiar places,  That this heart of mine embraces, All day through.

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