December 16th 1991

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Evie rubbed her shoulder, they had James in a vice, by his metal arm. He'd fought like hell past her, Sam and Steve, before taking out the rest of the Avengers on sight and the Wakandan king. She crossed her arms waiting for her idiot to wake up. "Swear to god I'm done with men," she grumbled, "Particularly after the whole helicopter into the fucking river bit. Nothing but trouble. All three of them. I'm retiring for good. A beach in Bora Bora, no cell service and none of your fucking bullshit Steve Rogers."

Sam chuckled, "How's the arm?"

Evie looked at her idiot. "It'll be okay. I'm just happy two of my idiots didn't drown."

"How many idiots do you have?" Sam asked.

"Currently three. The fourth one probably will never speak to me again. Which sucks because he's the only family I have left," Evie said,  frowning. She didn't know where she stood with Tony and it was slowly eating her up inside. They'd had words before but nothing to this extent.

Sam brushed a kiss across her forehead. "It's going to be okay. Tony loves you. You're his aunt and he knows you wouldn't stand against him unless you thought it was important."

Evie sighed, "But is it important enough to cost me my relationship with my nephew?"

Sam shrugged, "I don't think it's going to cost you Tony." He pulled her into a tight hug, giving her another reassuring kiss to her forehead.

Her gaze went back to James, once Sam released her, who was staring at them intently. She smiled, "Sam go get Stevie." She saw out of the corner of her eye Sam nod and leave the room they were in. "How are you feeling?"

"Who's the guy?"

"Sam, you've met, before. Bird boy. In DC," she answered, "Whatever you're thinking just don't. That's one quick way to start a fight and we've had this issue before. With Stevie."

James nodded, "Is that still a thing?"

Evie shook her head, "No. Once I had solid concrete evidence you were alive it was over. I love Sam, yes. He's my Steve and that's all he was ever meant to be honestly. And if it becomes an issue James where that jealous streak decides to get the better of you I'm going to Bora Bora. Got it."

"Yes ma'am," he replied, saluting her, with a cocky grin.

Steve entered the room a few minutes later, looking at James. "Which Bucky am I dealing with?"

"Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes," James said with a chuckle. She'd forgotten how privileged her and James had been all those years ago. They'd never grown up with the struggles Steve had, and had sat fairly comfortable during the depression.

"You can't read that in a museum," Steve stated.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked.

Evie rolled her eyes, punching him in the arm. "Yeah you're going to have to deal with it. And be nice."

Sam rolled his eyes, "I'm only nice for you."

"What did the doctor want?"

James looked at Evie, "Mission report December sixteenth nineteen ninety one."

"Howard," Evie breathed, "It wasn't an accident was it James?" She watched him slump slightly before she walked away. The reality hit her, the Winter Soldier killed her family. Murdered her brother and sister in law, left her nephew an orphan. Yes Tony had legally been an adult but no one was ever ready to loose a parent let alone two.

Sam joined her outside a few minutes later. "You okay?"

"Aren't I always? I know James didn't do it. I know he had no choice. But that doesn't mean I don't feel betrayed. I've seen the destruction the soldier causes when he has control. I can also differentiate between the two," she said.

"You and I both know it's not that easy Evie," he stated.

"It has to be. I made a choice between Steve and Tony. Choosing Steve means I chose James," Evie stated, "And Tony isn't going to see it as the Winter Soldier killed his parents he's going to see it as James killed his parents."

"You know Tony."

"He's just like me. I really don't know if I can honestly differentiate between them. But I honestly have to. Because I remember that James was a great man, and that he had no choice," she replied.

Sam squeezed her hand, "It'll be okay."

Steve came outside, "We need to go to Siberia."

"I know a guy," Sam said.

Evie watched Steve finally kiss Sharon, "The urge to physically vomit in this car is so strong because that's gross."

"We went from ninety six to nineteen," Sam stated, chuckling, "Think boy wonder will actually get laid?"

"Probably not too much of a prude," Evie responded, looking at James who was suppressing a laugh. She squeezed his metal hand, looking up at him.

James smiled down at her, "You're making fun of him later aren't you?"

"Would I be me if I didn't?" Evie asked, offended. 

"Did she really punch you in the face first time you met?" Sam asked. It had been bothering him and Steve was still tied up with Sharon.

James nodded, "She did."

Evie frowned.  She knew there would be tension between the pair of them. But not like this.  Sam was down right hostile. She really saw the similarities between the two men in that moment. Alpha males that unlike Steve needed to be recognized. They were pretty well the exact same person in a way. Both were fiercely defensive over her.  And she knew eventually it would come to blows between them.

Sam smiled back at her, "That's my girl."

"Sam don't start," Evie snapped. The trio fell into silence for several moments, waiting on Steve.

Steve joined them back in the car, "There's a plane waiting for us. Sharon"-

"None of us needed to see your first kiss ever probably. Sharing isn't always caring especially if it's my niece," Evie interrupted.

"At least it wasn't your nephew," Sam stated.

Evie punched Sam in the shoulder, "Stevie is too tall to be Tony's type. So how was that first kiss?"

"Wasn't the first once since I've been out of the ice," Steve stated.

"Alright alright that's what I'm talking about!" Sam exclaimed rubbing his shoulder.

Evie looked up at James, "Let's go to Siberia. I want to have a life again. Build a life again."

James smiled down at her, "You sure?"

"Either way I'm in the middle of this James. I'd rather have it fall apart around me. Sooner rather than later," she stated, kissing the hand she held. She looked at the metal, remembering what was once there. The hand that always held hers. The hand that brought her tulips, and guided her through Central Park after their first date. The one that pulled out chairs and opened doors for her. "

Steve looked back at her, "We're not going to get out of here without a fight. You ready for that Evie?"

She put on a brave face, "Let's do this Steve."

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