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New York City 1942

Evie sat alone at the bar she really enjoyed Copacabana. It had opened a couple of years ago and had wonderful music. She ordered her drink, and checked her time piece.  Peggy was late again. She loved her friend but she was getting her a watch for her birthday. She looked out at the dance floor sipping her bourbon neat. Howard was spinning some adorable red head around the floor. She smiled waving when he winked at her.

"What's a dame like you not doing out on the floor?"

Evie turned looking at the man now leaning up against the bar next to her.  He was handsome, strong jawline, which she was a sucker for, and blue eyes a gal could get lost in. "Is there something I can help you with, sir?"

He looked around the club, "By the looks of it I'm the only one here worth your time."

Evie's smile turned into a glare. She didn't like taking orders. It got her in trouble most of the time at the SSR but they kept her because she was brilliant and she reigned Howard in. "Oh really now?"

"Yeah, the way I see it for a beautiful dame like yourself, your options are limited, most of the men here are probably afraid of you. Which leaves you with me," he stated.

"Process of elimination. But what if you're not my type? That short fellow over there. That keeps glancing over here, shaking his head. The blond. What if he's more my type? Unassuming versus bold Mister." She trailed off so she could learn his name.

"Barnes.  Bucky Barnes. And you are?" he asked. The smile on his face told her he thought he was making progress with her. 

"Stark. Miss Stark," Evie replied, sipping her bourbon once again.

"Well Miss Stark have you thought about my offer?" Bucky asked, slipping an arm around her shoulders. An attempt to lead her to the dance floor.

That's when Evie swung. Punching him rather hard in the face.  "I believe that's a no Mr. Barnes. Now excuse me. There's a rather unassuming blond I'm more interested in," she stated, draining her drink. The aforementioned blond was covering his mouth to hold back his laughter.  She crossed the dance floor, holding out her hand, "I'm Evie. And I'm assuming the cad I just punched is a friend of yours."

"Steve Rogers. And he is. I don't think he's ever gotten that reaction before ma'am," Steve stated, chuckling.

"I figured as much. Now I'm here to dance and honestly I would normally go for your friend, but he shot that in the foot so to speak. Would you like to dance, Mr. Rogers?" she asked.

"I'm a horrible dancer," he stated.

"That's not what I asked," she replied, raising her eyebrow. "Do you want to dance Mr. Rogers?"

Steve smiled, "You trying to make him jealous?"

Evie smiled, "Steve I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." She let Steve lead her out to the dance floor. He hadn't short sold his dancing skills. He was horrible at this. He stepped on her feet no less than ten times the first dance. She felt Bucky's eyes on her watching her intently.

After a few more dances Peggy finally arrived. Bucky fully turned his attention on to Peggy for a moment as she ordered her drink, and from the looks of it another one for Evie. Evie nudged Steve, "I'm going to save my best friend from your best friend."

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