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Evie and James pulled up to the docks. He grabbed the cake and helped her out of the truck. AJ and Cass ran up to them immediately getting James involved in their game. He pretended to throw the cake at them. Sarah came up to her, hugging her gently, "How are you feeling?"

"Sore, but I'm mostly healed," Evie said, watching James chase the boys around before dropping the cake.

"He'll make a great dad," Sarah stated.

"He makes a damn good uncle," Evie said, resting her head on Sarah's shoulder as they went to find Sam.

Evie smiled at Sam with his fan base. The hometown hero, turned superhero. Sam waved at Evie, "Where's Buck?"

"Being the cool uncle," Sarah said, crossing her arms. "And he dropped the cake you requested."

"He did it on purpose didn't he?" Sam asked, "Buck you're a dead man."

"You're gonna have to get through my wife first," James said, as Sam went to chase after him.

Sarah smiled, "He looks happier. You look happier. The happiest I've seen you in what eleven years?"

Evie looked at the two grown men play fighting with each other, a giant smile across her face. Her husband, and her best friend. "This is my life," Evie laughed.

Sarah looked out across the pier, "It's not a bad life to have. A husband that adores you. Freedom to do whatever whenever. A best friend that has literally stopped the world to help you."

Evie shook her head, "No it's a family I've pieced together. Instead of being alone.  Instead of being sad and depressed and miserable thinking about everyone I've left behind. I've tried to create a family, I've lost most of the one I was born with. You, the boys, Sam you're apart of that." Evie looked around, "This is good for the soul."

Sarah squeezed her hand, "I agree."

Evie settled to grab some bourbon pecan pie and some of Sarah's famous lemonade. She watched Sam and James chase around the kids, wishing she'd brought Morgan. Then again Morgan got playful fun James majority of the time. Her cell phone rang. Evie smiled answering Shuri's FaceTime.

"How's my favorite broken white boy and his beautiful wife?" Shuri asked.

Evie turned the camera around so the young woman could see James playing with the kids, before turning the camera back to her. "He's good."

"I guess I'll have to give him a new name," Shuri pouted.

"Why don't we stick with the one your mom and brother gave him?" Evie asked, remembering the argument Shuri, Ramonda, and T'Challa had when they decided to essentially adopt James as part of the Wakandan Royal Family. Evie had tried to refuse the gesture, even when Romanda argued it was something T'Chaka would have wanted.  Evie smiled at the thought of her old friend. She missed the former king greatly. Another friend she'd lost needlessly in her long lifetime.

"But White Wolf is boring. Broken white boy works for him," Shuri stated, "Has he given you the ring yet?"

Evie stared at Shuri with a blank expression, "What ring?"

Shuri's eyes grew wide as she swore. "I wasn't supposed to say anything. He's going to kill me."

Evie raised her left hand up, showing Shuri the ring. "It's beautiful thank you love."

"That was mean, T'Challa, Mother I would like to unadopt Evie. We can keep the broken white boy," Shuri shouted.

"Hey did you look at those blood samples for me?" Evie asked reeling the younger woman back in.

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