Last Night

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Evie crossed her arms, "You're leaving tomorrow?" She looked at James, biting her lower lip, before fixing his tie. She wasn't going to cry. She'd sob tomorrow when his ship was out of the harbor. She wasn't going to waste the precious few hours she had left with him. "You look handsome Sarge."

James sighed, as he stretched his calves, standing up on his tip toes for a few seconds, "I don't want to leave doll."

"I'll be over there soon enough. We just have to find a candidate for Operation Rebirth," Evie said, "Are we going to the expo tonight?"

"A free chance to heckle your bother and have you on my arm? Is it even a question?" he asked, kissing her cheek.

"Howard's going to be gone most of the night," she hinted, tracing his jaw with her finger tips, she peppered kisses were her fingers had once been. She loved the sound he made, the hiss, as she kissed right beneath his ear.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"I'm saying it's your last night James. I don't know what's next and neither do you," she whispered, pressing another kiss to that spot. He hissed again, and her knees went a little weak. She wouldn't have dared acted like this if they weren't inside her home. She knew better was a respectable young woman.

"I promise that I'm coming back, Evie. I love you, then, now, and always. I choose you Evie. I'm coming home," he said, kissing her gently, "This war isn't permanent."

"But we are?"

"But we are," he kissed her, biting her bottom lip, before pulling away. "I still have to tell Steve."

Evie smiled, "I actually have something to show you in Brooklyn." She grabbed her hand bag and sweater off the hat stand, "Lets take the train."

The train ride to Brooklyn was silent, James stood protective over Evie. It wasn't necessary, but he was letting everyone in the car know that she was his. He helped her off the train, holding onto her hand tightly. "The punk is probably in an alley somewhere," James said as they walked down the street.

"Why do I feel like this is a theme for him?" Evie asked, as he let go of her hand, tucking her under his left arm.

James laughed, "Because it's Steve."

She watched him peak down alleys, as they walked, "What do you have to show me?"

"I bought something," she stated.

"What did you buy?" he asked. He'd gotten used to her buying whatever she fancied. The SSR paid her well and the Stark siblings made a killing from Stark Industries.

"Something," she laughed, bringing his left hand to her lips, "Consider it an investment in our future Mr. Barnes."

He stopped hearing something she didn't. James pulled her down the alley, cursing his idiot friend under his breath. He let Evie go pulling the guy off Steve, "Hey pick on someone your own size." The man swung at James, who dodged it kicking the man in the rear after a swift punch in the face. Evie shook her head.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched," James said, as Steve stood up.

"I had him on the ropes," Steve replied, as Evie rushed to check out his eye.

"Steve Rogers I'm not a nurse. Nor do I plan to become one," she chided.

James picked something up off the ground, "How many times is this?" He looked at the enlistment form closer. "Oh, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?"

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