Bonus: Mr. Wilson

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Evie stared over her glass of champagne her eyes tracking the young man across the room shaking hands, rubbing elbows. He was passionate about his cause. The reason they were all there. The atrium she was in was beautifully decorated, with soft lighting, candles and flowers. The delicate scent of jasmine hung in the air.

She'd supported several of these charities over the last twenty years. But Mr. Wilson intrigued her. He'd never outright asked her for money, the elusive Stark Heiress, but there was always an invitation waiting for her when the organization he worked for hosted a gala. He volunteered at the VA, counseling, and on the same hand he worked for an organization that made sure Vets had the support they needed returning home.

She was planning on catching his attention, the bright red off the shoulder cocktail dress was meant for just that. The slight vee dipping down and showing cleavage, and the slit at her thigh. She was dressed to kill. The mid length cocktail dress was one of her favorites. Soft silk and beautifully done tailoring made it look like it was made for her.

She tucked her hair behind her ear readjusting the lily that was there. Normally she drug Tony as her 'date' to these things. He'd escort his spinster aunt and was shocked when she'd denied his offer for company.

She counted in her head, five four three two one. She'd caught Mr. Wilson's eye and he was making his way to the bar where she stood. His hand held outstretched once he got to her, "I normally remember a beautiful woman. I don't believe we've met before. Sam Wilson."

She shook his hand, "Evelyn Stark." Normally if she wanted to remain anonymous she'd use Barnes. Tonight she wanted Mr. Wilson to know who he was dealing with.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Stark. But I do believe we've met informally before, you like to read political thrillers," he said.

Evie thought for a minute, she thought he'd looked familiar once he'd gotten close to her. "You go to the bookshop on K."

"Guilty as charged Miss Stark," he replied, "You sit in their front windows and read. They call you Evie. Said you've been a patron since the shop opened. But there's no way, you're older than thirty two."

"Quite a bit older than that actually. My anti aging regimen was a bit unorthodox," Evie said sipping her champagne. She found him attractive. It'd been awhile since she'd had a companion and Sam Wilson would be an interesting fit.

He chuckled, "I hardly believe that."

"I'm full of surprises Mr. Wilson," she replied, "Now your cause, tell me about it."

She watched him become absolutely animated about helping Vets readjust.  Their mental health. The counseling sessions he leads. Once he'd summarized what all he did he took a deep breath allowing her to ask a question.

"Did you serve?" she asked.

"Yes. Para rescue. Then my best friend died. What about you Miss Stark?" he asked.

"I ran intelligence for an elite unit before my fiancé died and his best friend went MIA they were both in the unit," Evie replied, "Then I took another job after a sojourn."

"I'm surprised you two were allowed to work together," he stated.

"Things were different then," she replied, looking at her glass. She'd once been the Belle of these things. James on her arm. Her heart hurt. Howard replaced James as her date. Then eventually Tony replaced his father. Now she chose to come alone. An old woman at heart, she wanted to sink into the shadows. Occasionally she wished she'd aged, like Peggy, the Jarvises, Howard and Maria before their deaths. She wished she was an old rich woman not just mentally but physically.

"And now what do you do?" he asked.

"I still run intelligence. My fiancé's best friend was found," she said.

"I feel like you'd stand out more than you'd blend in Miss Stark," he replied.

"Occasionally," she answered, "There's something about the limelight that doesn't appeal to me any more."

"Why's that?"

"No one to share it with. The shadows are much easier alone Mr. Wilson." She stood. "Now if you'll excuse me calling this evening to an end."

"Ms. Stark," he grabbed her hand pressing his lips to her knuckles, "I hope to see you again."

"It will be my pleasure." Evie smiled before sauntering off. Her heart ached, she missed James. She missed the life they'd planned. Being there flirting just made her lonely. Sad. Home and a stronger drink were exactly what she needed.

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