Washington DC

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December 2011

Steve wondered around the brownstone, this was more of what he expected from Evie. A home decorated for Christmas. Her memories were in DC not in the townhouse in Brooklyn.  He could tell the contrast now between where she lived and where she settled. He picked up a picture on the mantel. It was of her and Bucky. Howard had taken the photograph. He remembered when it was taken. The summer before Bucky fell, before life went to hell.

Evie came into the living room with two mugs of eggnog. "I just got off the phone with Tony and Pepper. They're not coming for Christmas."

Steve accepted the mug from his friend, watching her face fall as she said that her nephew wasn't coming to visit. "I'm sorry, dear."

"I expected it. They need a quiet Christmas together. It sucks though. Because I wanted Tony to meet you. There will be other opportunities," she said settling onto her couch, "How's acclimation going? I get why you wanted to stay in Brooklyn, for the same reasons I can't stay in Brooklyn. I just don't get the radio silence Stevie."

Steve exhaled. "Its happening. I just don't know what to do. I died. Or I thought I did. My life was over my future. And then I wake up and it's almost seventy years later and the war is over. There isn't a fight and I don't know what to do with this time I now have."

She shrugged, "You can move to DC. Once you're ready. It'd be nice to have company again. I get being buried in your own head. Your own grief better than anyone."

Steve sighed, "Does it ever go away?"

"No. It doesn't. You carry it with you. Your mannerisms. The things you do to feel better. I take a riffle to the range and shoot like James taught me. I occasionally am the sniper on missions. It gives me that connection. When I need Howie I go hang out with Tony and JARVIS for a week," she stated, folding her legs under her. "You find ways to carry them. So they don't go away and the pain is easier."

Steve flopped onto the couch and pulled her to him, letting her snuggle into him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm glad you're still here."

"Maybe I was meant to be here still. So that you had someone to fall back on. A friendly face. Maybe that's my curse from the serum. Yours was the ice," she said, watching the fire crackle in the fire place. She rested her head on his shoulder, listening to him breathe. "I miss him less now that you're here. It sounds insane but I haven't had a connection to him in a long time."

Steve kissed her cheek. "I know dear."

She bit her lower lip. "I'd like to formally offer you a job at SHIELD when you're ready for it. It's there. Take your time."

"Can you do that?"

"I do whatever I want," she chuckled.

"You always have," he stated.

January 2012

"Happy New Year Stevie," Evie said, toasting him with her champagne glass. They had decided to stay in for the holiday, instead of going to Maria's to celebrate. Usually Evie went to Maria's party, a wild bash that normally ended in Evie and Nat dancing on a table or two, completely sober. It was normally a wild night where SHIELD Agents let down their hair, and acted like humans. Not the weapons they typically where.

"Happy New Year Evelyn," Steve said, "I think I've made a decision on my future."

Evelyn smiled, "And?"

"I think I'm going to just lay low for a bit longer. Unless something happens. I'll know when I'm needed. Fury knows where to find me," Steve said.

She nodded, letting the silence fall between them. It had been a great holiday and she knew that Steve would be going back to Brooklyn by train in a few days. It was a little too soon to suggest planes to her old friend. She'd enjoyed the company, it was nice to not be, alone.

"You want me to move here," he said, looking down at his lap. His statement was posed more as a question. He knew that Evie wanted him in DC her last connection to Bucky. They'd spent most of the day watching old films on the TV. It had been her sole mission to get Captain America caught up on nearly seventy years of pop culture. Clue had gone entirely over his head.

"I like not being alone. Maybe it's time to reconsider that whole partner thing. Someone to have a life with. It might be time I moved on completely," she answered.

"You think you can do that?" he asked.

"Hasn't worked yet. I'm just tired of being alone," she said.

"A bed warmer?"

"No a partner, Steve."

"And what about me?" he questioned.

"Offering to warm my bed Captain?" she replied. A question for a question.

"No you're my best friend's best girl," he answered, breaking the staring contest they had.

"Exactly," she replied, "I'm James' girl, and James has been gone longer than he was ever alive." She stood breaking the intense battle she was having with Steve. She went to the giant bay window looking out over the snow covered landscape behind her home.

Steve stood, going to her. He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "I love you Evie. I understand not wanting to be alone."

"I know. Maybe I'm emotional. I miss him more, the closer it gets to the anniversary. It's in a few weeks." She rested her head on his chest. "I just wish that there was a chance that maybe he's alive too. Out there. Wanting us, missing us as well."

Steve kissed the top of her head, as they watched the snow fall outside. Not knowing what was lurking outside, waiting to be exposed.

In the snow, a solider watched the couple inside. He knew them. He just didn't know how. The woman something about her being held by the man inside made him angry. He was betrayed. No one was supposed to hold her like that. She was his.

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