The Accords

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Avengers Compound 2016

Evelyn sat at the table watching the destruction they had caused over the last four years. Steve was pretending to read the document. Evie had already determined she wasn't agreeing to anything. Thaddeus Ross just pissed her off, the minute he walked into the room she didn't like him. He reminded her too much of Alexander Pierce. Thaddeus Ross looked at her, "Miss Stark surely you have a comment."

"I usually do don't I?" Evie stated, "I'm not signing this. I spent sixty two years leading an organization to realize Hydra was hiding under my nose. I won't give up my own autonomy. Ever."

Tony looked at her, "You of all people know how dangerous we can be."

"I do, Tony, but I also know what it feels like to have no power and to be twisted into something you don't realize, until it's done with," she said, "Thaddeus, you can quite honestly kiss my ass."

"I thought you were born in a time where women were ladies Miss Stark," Thaddeus said.

Steve and Sam jumped up, ready to defend her. "Sit guys. The real sign of weakness is when someone can't take push back because they know their defenses are weak. Yes Thaddeus, I was taught to be a lady but I only see two gentlemen here, and you aren't one," Evie stated, she watched Nat and Wanda chuckle.

"Evie wasn't even in Lagos," Sam said, "Nor is she an Avenger."

Evie had avoided Lagos because she'd been in Romania with James. He'd had contacted her about six months after DC and every few months she'd go check in on him. He'd make her dinner, they'd talk, and after a couple days she'd go back to New York.

"She's an enhanced individual," Thaddeus said.

Steve closed the accords, "I can't sign this. I can't agree to being someone's puppet. Agendas change."

Nat looked at Steve and Evie, "This at least gives us some control. A hand on the steering wheel."

"I know we're not perfect, but the safest hands are still our own," Steve said.

Tony looked at his aunt. "You never asked for this Evie."

"Yeah the sad thing is I did Tones. I begged your dad for this. Hoping it would kill me. There's irony there somewhere," she said, frowning. "I love you and we don't agree right now. Just know that."

Steve stood, leaving the room. Evie checked her phone. Pegs is gone. In her sleep. "This is going to have to be tabled, I'm afraid." She stood, following Steve's exit.

He stood in the stairwell, staring at the phone. "She's gone. We're left. We have no clue where Buck is." He looked up at her eyes full of tears.

"The funeral is in London," she said, as Steve collapsed into her arms, "We'll leave in a few hours. Can you be ready by then?"

Sam entered the stairwell. "What's going on?"

"Peggy is gone," Evie said.

"When do we leave?"

"As soon as I can get a jet," she answered, holding onto Steve tightly.


Evie watched Steve, carry Peggy's casket to the front of the church. He'd cried the whole way to London. She'd cried most of the flight as well. Sam had been their caretaker. Currently he was holding her hand, tightly. It was the most physical contact they'd had in the two years since, DC. Steve settled in beside them, immediately holding onto Evie's hand. He squeezed it tightly.

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