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Germany turned into Madripoor. Evie met Sam, James, and the newly free Zemo at a bar in Low Town. She had a blond wig on, and had assumed an identity of Cecilia Woodruff. The woman in full control of the Winter Soldier. She had fought with Zemo the entire flight to Madripoor, it ended in her favor when she held a knife to his throat drawing just a little bit of blood. He wasn't fucking with James' head.

She hated the skimpy red lace number she'd squeezed herself into. James was barely containing the lustful look in his eyes. Fashion sure had changed, and right now he was very appreciative of that fact. Sam was complaining about his outfit saying he looked like a pimp. Evie had shot back that at least his outfit covered his ass.

She settled at the bar, Zemo settled an arm around her shoulders. She leaned in making a show for the bar tender, whispering in his ear, "If he gets hurt I swear I'll gut you in your sleep."

"My fiancé will have a tequila and my companion will have his usual," Zemo said, rubbing his neck. He had no doubt Evelyn Stark would have no remorse in killing him. Barnes might swear he wasn't a killer any more, but Evelyn Stark made zero promises.

The three did their shots while James watched. He stood stoic. Evie noticed out of the corner of her eye someone in a hood while Zemo did the talking. She ordered James to attack, whispering a silent apology. He made eye contact with her, the unnoticeable nod made her feel better. At least she was in control. God only knew what Zemo would have him do.

Zemo leaned in whispering to Sam, "It's easy for him to fall back into form."

Evie settled on Zemo's lap, whispering in his ear, "I will kill you. Or worse I'll hand you over too the Dora Milaje. Don't cross us Zemo. He's changed, and you wouldn't be the first presumed lover I've shot." She brushed her lips against his.

"Your fiancé, Baron is ruthless," the bartender said, as Evie ordered James to stop.

"She's utterly terrifying," Sam replied. Right now he was more worried about Evie he'd never seen her like this. Borderline violent yes.  It came with the job. But this was Evie fully shedding her morals and becoming the spy and intelligence director he'd heard whispers of. Pure ruthless.

Evie placed a hand on James' shoulder with her order to stop. He looked at her face blank. She whispered in French her apologies as they were led upstairs. James caressed her hand, before Zemo pulled her away.

"You wear your love for him on your sleeve," Zemo hissed, making it look like he was kissing her temple.

"He's worth ten of you," Evie hissed, before plastering a serene smile on her face as they met with Selby. Then Sam screwed it up.

"Who the hell doesn't put their phone on silent when they're undercover? Modern espionage one oh one Sam," Evie hissed looking around the corner. 

"Where's your phone Evie?" Sam snapped. 

"On silent in my hand bag," she replied, waving at them to follow her. 

"Well look who I found," Sharon greeted.

After some unnecessary commentary from the former CIA and SHIELD agent they ended up in her home in high town. Evie looked around the gallery, while Sam googled.  Something was settling right with Evie.  Sharon wasn't the same and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. 

"Are you changing out of the hooker dress or would you like to stay in that all night?" Sharon asked, breaking Evie out of her thoughts. Sharon handed her one of the rocks glasses she was holding.

"Changing please," Evie replied, following the younger woman. She took a sip of the bourbon.

Sharon led her to a massive closet, "I'm assuming that it's not working between you and Mr. America?"

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