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"Do you know me?" Steve asked, he was standing in the safe house Evie had kept for decades, staring at his best friend. Evie was leaning up against the fridge, mouthing I'm sorry, to James.

James nodded, frowning at Evie. He wanted nothing more than it to be just the two of them in the apartment. "You're Steve. I read about you at the museum."

Sam came over the coms. "They've set the perimeter."

"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying," Steve said, deciding to call out James' bullshit.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore. I've been here eighteen months and I've led a quiet life," James said.

Sam came over the coms once again, making Evie jump this time. "They're entering the building."

"James, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive," Evie said, finally speaking up. She felt like she'd brought this on him. Brought the chaos to his place of peace.

"That's smart. Good strategy," James said with a shrug. Evie bit her lower lip. "You know it's the truth Evie," he stated.

"They're on the roof. I'm compromised, guys. Hurry the hell up and get him out of there," Sam snapped.

"This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck," Steve stated.

"It always ends in a fight," James scoffed.

"5 seconds."

"YOU pulled me from the river. Why?" Steve asked.

"Is this really the best time for this fucking moment Steve!?" Evie snarled.

"I don't know," James said, pulling off the glove that covered his left hand.

"3 seconds!"

"Yes, you do. All three of us know that," Steve said, before glaring at Evie. He should have done this alone. Left her on the roof top with Sam.

Evie pulled out her gun, glaring at Steve, "Steve don't take this personally but fuck you."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!"

Chaos erupted around them, as smoke bombs were shot through the windows. Steve jumped on top of them with the shield. James made his way to shield Evie, "Just another day huh?"

"I swear once we're out of this I'm punching your smug ass face again," she vowed, as gun fire rang out around him.

"Were you always this violent?" James asked as the room was breached. He used his metal hand to stop them from shooting at Evie.

"Yes," Steve grunted, throwing an officer out the window.

Evie shrugged, as she kicked an officer back into the hallway. She watched out of the corner of her eye, James punching into the floor. He pulled out a black backpack tossing it out the window. He glared at Steve, making Evie chuckle as they tried to make a break for it down the stairs.

Evie brought up the rear as Steve yelled at James not to kill anyone. She rolled her eyes, Cap was directing that at the wrong half of the couple. She watched the pair of them fight in sync. It amazed her how in tune the pair were. James kicked down a door, Evie followed. The pair jumped onto the adjacent building hand in hand. Only for Evie to be kicked out of the way by an idiot in a cat suit.

She watched as cat man went after James. She fired her gun, the bullets bouncing off. Vibranium. Wakanda. T'Challa. "T'Challa stop!" she yelled.

The Black Panther stopped looking up at her, "I'm not here for you."

"I knew your dad."

"This man murdered him!" T'Challa snarled, chasing after James, who'd gotten away thanks to her distraction.

Evie groaned following after them. "Fucking bullshit!" Steve landed beside her, as James and T'Challa legitimately jumped off the building. She wasn't paying attention as Steve ordered Sam to take out a helicopter knocking it off balance. She jumped chasing after James and T'Challa. She landed coincidentally enough on top of the new king, taking him out momentarily as Steve jumped as well.

The chase led through the streets ending in a collision with the Bucharest police department and Everett Ross. Evie straightened up as Rhodey landed in front of them. She'd taken a tumble off the motorcycle James had stolen in the attempt to get away. He'd be damned if he was going to leave without Evie. "Stand down now," Rhodey snapped.

Evie had a gun trained on the officers. "Put the gun down Evie, congratulations you three you're criminals," Rhodey said as James was forced to the ground.

"Don't hurt him!" she yelled, as she was forced into cuffs with Steve and Sam.

Rhodey looked at T'Challa. "Your highness."

Evie watched sobbing as James was loaded into a giant portable cell. "Don't hurt him! Please!"

Evie stared at Everett Ross once they arrived at CIA HQ. "Ross." She watched her mentee flinch under her glare, she'd finally been uncuffed.

"He doesn't get out of our sight," Ross said.

"I'm staying with him," Evie snarled stepping towards Ross, knowing guns were now trained on her.

"Director Stark stand down," Ross ordered.

Evie's eyebrow shot up, "Excuse me. I'm not leaving his side and I swear to God Ross I will tear you apart to get to him. If someone or something hurts him, I will become your worst nightmare."

"That's a lot of emotion for someone you don't know," Tony said coming out of the shadows.

"I do know him. Which is why I will end you if harm comes to him. I swear I'll rip you limb from limb with a smile on my face," Evie said, smiling as Ross stepped back from her.

"You're terrifying you know that right?" Tony said, placing a hand on his aunt's shoulder. "Let me fix this."

"Only way this is fixed in my book Tony is if James and I walk out of here," she said.

"Not going to happen," Ross snapped, "Your boyfriend bombed the UN."

"No he didn't, he's been in Romania!" Evie yelled.

"You can't be with him Director Stark," Ross said.

"If harm comes to him Ross I will end you," Evie warned.

Evie watched the feed from the camera's focused in on James. Sam planted a kiss to her temple, and assured her that he was going to be okay. T'Challa watched them, "Explain the dynamic."

Evie laughed, "Former lovers and friends. Cap friend. The man you are accusing of murdering your father, is the love of my life. I'm sorry for the record. I met your dad on numerous occasions over my long life. I found him to be most wise and honorable."

T'Challa studied her for a moment, "He said the same thing about you, woman time forgot. Which is why I don't understand your concern for Barnes."

Evie glanced at the screen again, as the psychiatrist entered James' holding cell, "Believe it or not, he was one of the most honorable men I've ever met. Loyal to a fault. Qualities your father admired. James didn't kill your dad."

"How can you be so sure?" T'Challa asked.

"Because He's too good for that. If I was the one in that cell okay fine. I'll take credit where it's due. I've always treaded that line. I've done worse in my career. For James to do something so heinous not under Hydra's control.  Never. The man didn't want to go to war, didn't want to fight. Where Steve was the perfect soldier, always ready to take up a cause. James wasn't," she said, "Now all he remembers is war and fighting. Because he was forced to do just that. Fight."

"I think you give this man too much credit Evelyn," T'Challa said.

"No you all give me too much credit, your highness," Evie replied, noticing James' distress. "What's going on? What's wrong with him?" She watched as James fought his way out of the bindings. Evie ran off signaling for Steve. They had to stop him before he ended up shot on sight.

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