The Snap

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Evie stretched out nuzzling into James. The last few months had been peaceful and glorious. She spent her days in the lab with Shuri and her evenings with James and the goats he was raising. He enjoyed the busy work. The simple that his life had became. The calm.

She slid overtop of him kissing her way down his body. She enjoyed lazy mornings, they'd make love. One of them would cook a simple breakfast, they'd end up back in bed. He groaned, "Mornin' doll."

She kissed her way back up to his mouth. "Hey you." She planted kisses along his jaw. "I love you."

He flipped them over so that he hovered over her kissing her gently. He'd gotten used to balancing himself on one arm. Evie pulled him down to kiss him properly, enjoying the feel of his beard against her skin.

She tugged her cami off after the kiss. He kissed her again, as she tugged on his boxer briefs slipping them off him. Next was her underwear. He sank into her slowly. She gasped, "James."

"Yes doll?" he grunted, slowly thrusting into her.

Evie hitched a leg up over his hip, matching his movements. She kissed him, "Can we stay like this forever?"

He kissed her deeply, "Sounds perfect to me. We can stay here forever."

She flipped them both over so that she was straddling him. She sank down, enjoying the feel of him. He pulled her lips to his, "Marry me."

Evie pulled back. "You're serious?"

He thrusted up into her, making her gasp. "And if I am?"

"You're horrible at this and god I love you for it," she said, biting his ear. He hissed and she soothed the bite with her tongue.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, that's a yes," she said.

"I had this whole thing planned out in forty five. Candles once the war was over. That's what I thought of when I fell. Proposing to you. Marrying you. Kids. What our life was supposed to be. Those were my last thoughts as I fell," he whispered.

"I need to tell you something," she said sliding off of him. She sat curled up in herself at the head of the bed. 

"What's going on?" he asked pulling her back onto his lap. He kissed her, "What's wrong doll?"

"There was a baby James. In forty five. I was pregnant when you left for that mission. Didn't know it.  Or I would have told you.  I lost the baby around the fifth month. Right around the point Steve went into the ice. We buried his empty casket about six weeks later next to yours and our baby's," Evie said.

"I hate that you went through that alone. I'm sorry Evie," he murmured, kissing her. 

Evie snuggled into James. "I wasn't alone. Yes you were gone but I had Howard and Pegs. And now I don't know if that life is possible."

James shifted, kissing her, "I love you.  I chose you. Every day."

Evie hummed contentedly, "I'm sorry I just dumped that on you."

"That's my job as your fiancé," he said, "Since you fully agreed to marry me ten minutes ago."

"I did, took you long enough," she teased.

"In my defense I was an asset for decades. Then on the run," he stated.

"I'm talking about forty five. Three damn years Barnes. You waited three damn years," she laughed, as he started to tickle her.

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