The Falcon

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Sam opened his door, Evie on his tail, they'd been discussing what she'd discovered the previous night. Steve and Nat were standing there looking worse for wear.

"We have nowhere else to go," Steve stated.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Nat added.

Sam looked at Evie, "Not everyone." He opened the door wider letting the pair in. Evie went to the fridge gathering supplies so her and Sam could make breakfast. "Shower is upstairs. Evie might have some clothes here still that might fit you Nat. Cap I might have something. I hope." She heard Sam tell the pair.

Sam placed a hand on her shoulder, "What just got brought to my doorstep Evie?"

"I don't know," she said, turning on his gas stove as she started to prepare breakfast.

Sam brushed a kiss onto her temple. "Looks like you've been drawn to Cap's problems."

"Usually am. I have a feeling it's going to lead to the same place. The same person," she stated, "I think Steve is going to get a wake up call he doesn't want. His black and white world is more shades of gray."

Sam sighed, before going to get a file. He went upstairs, she heard him announce that they had made breakfast. Evie watched Steve interact with Sam and Nat. He was brushing her off, and she knew it. Captain America wasn't subtle. At all.

Sam threw down the file. Dramatic ass. She rolled her eyes. Steve picked it up, "What's this?"

"Consider it a resume."

"I thought the people giving you orders was down to zero," Steve replied.

"Captain America needs my help, what better way to get back into the game?" Sam answered.

"What do you want?" Jasper Sitwell asked Sam.

"You're gonna go around the corner to your right. There's a gray car two spaces down. You and I are gonna take a ride," Sam replied.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up. But my girl with the sniper rifle, her trigger finger is a little itchy, because you've been fucking with someone that belongs to her and she doesn't like her things messed with," Sam said as he watched Sitwell look down at his tie.

Evie chuckled from her spot on the roof top, as Sitwell complied. She went to meet Steve and Nat at the rendezvous point where Sam was taking Sitwell.

Evie watched Steve back Sitwell to the edge of the roof. She was leaning up against the barrier, glancing down. It was a long drop and Sam was in place.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers," Sitwell panicked.

"You're right. It's not. It's hers," Steve replied with a shrug, as Evie kicked Sitwell off the building.

Nat chuckled, "You enjoyed that a little too much Evie." Nat looked at Steve, "Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura, Lisa...?"

"Lillian. Lip piercing, right?" Steve said, with a grimace.

"Yeah, she's cute," Nat replied, looking at Evie. Nat had filled her in on her quest to find Captain America a date.

"Yeah, I'm not ready for that," Steve stated.

"You're not ready for anything Stevie," Evie replied, as Sam flung Sitwell back onto the roof screaming. Sam landed on the roof gracefully.

"Start talking," Nat said going to Sitwell.

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