The Shield

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2023 Six Months Later

"You don't support this choice," Sam stated, as Evie fixed his tie. They were awarding the shield to the Smithsonian today so it could be placed with the Cap and Avengers exhibit.

"Steve gave you the shield. Sam it's your choice.  I honestly thought he'd give that mantle to him," she said, not meeting her friends eyes. She hadn't spoken to James since the funeral. She'd spoken at his hearing to clear him from his crimes as the Winter Soldier. James had ignored her leaving as soon as the hearing was over.

Sam sighed, "Have you heard from him?"

"Nope. He knows where I'm at.  I've called him fifty seven times. And left at least thirty voicemails. I'm feeling a little desperate and I know when I'm not wanted. So I'm hanging with Morgan and Pep, mostly. Building relationships with my niece because  her daddy is gone and I have the best stories," Evie said, stepping away from him. She checked herself in the mirror her blue dress hugged her curves. She'd used make up to cover up the fact that she hadn't been sleeping but the exhaustion was clearly on her face.

"You're beautiful. And you care too much Evie," he stated.

"I'm hurting Sam. My nephew is dead. Steve is gone. James is holed up in a fucking apartment in New York ghosting us. I want to scream and hit things. I haven't had a decent nights sleep in six months," she stated, blinking back tears.

Sam kissed her forehead, "Let's go get this over with then I'm buying you a drink or six."

She nodded, taking his hand as they left his home. The drive to the museum was silent. Sam kept a firm hold on her hand as they made their way to the exhibit the conference was held in. She watched the ceremony still holding onto Sam's hand. She hated these things. She was also fully aware of the press and the questions she'd be asked at the end of the ceremony. She watched the shield be sealed into a glass case. Never in her long life had she ever felt more like a relic than when she watched the shield she'd designed be used as a display piece.

Rhodey came up to her giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before ushering Sam off.  Evie went to speak with the press. She'd stayed relatively silent the last few months. Mourning Tony, cussing Steve Rogers, devoting herself to Pep and Morgan and trying to contact James. She wasn't sure where she stood with James. She hadn't heard from him in five and a half months. She took a deep breath before going outside to face them.

"Miss Stark can you give us an interview?"

Evie nodded, going over to the first reporter. "Hello."

"Miss Stark how do you feel about Sam Wilson retiring the shield?"

Evie smiled, "The shield is a huge mantle to take on. It's also a piece of history. American history, but also my personal history. Sam and I spoke about the shield often before he made the decision. This isn't something Sam did lightly, and I respect the decision."

"You and your brother Howard designed the shield correct? In forty four?"

She nodded, "We did. Howard built the shield but I designed the star logo along with all of the Captain America suits. I devoted what feels like majority of my life to Cap and the Stars and Stripes."

"So it's an end of an era for you as well. How are you feeling personally? You like most of us have suffered a traumatic loss recently. Your nephew Tony Stark," the reporter asked.

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