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Los Angeles

Evie knocked on Daniel's open door. "Hey there handsome."

Daniel Souza's head shot up from the paperwork, a giant smile on his face, "Stark what are you doing here?"

Evie smiled, "Daniel I just got in from Egypt. Heard you'd relocated and thought I'd stop in and say hello."

"Howard's here too," Daniel said.

"He doesn't know I'm home neither does Edwin. And I'd like to keep it that way," she said, settling down across from him. "I'm a woman asking for a job."

"I'll get the paperwork started Evie.  How are you?" he asked.

"Grief is weird.  They're gone. And they have been and I have to accept that. I miss James so much it hurts but drinking and traveling isn't stopping the ache.  So it's time to go back to work," she replied, "That and I get to annoy you and beg to sleep in your guest room."

"You're not going home?" Daniel asked.

"Edwin and Ana will fuss over me. I love them dearly. But I left so I wouldn't be fussed over, after everything.  And Howard just looks at me with this expression I can't describe," Evie said, "Like he failed.  He looks at me like he failed.  Like he failed me. Steve would give me the same look and I can't stand it."

"And Carter? There's always New York," Daniel replied.

"Pegs handled her grief better than I did. And I hate Jack. So you're the best thing to get back to work Chief. And Jack hates me. Because I'm not terrified of him. Nor do I respect him," Evie answered. 

"Are you okay though? I knew James," Daniel asked. He'd always liked the female Stark. She'd been more grounded to reality than her brother.

"Yeah. I've accepted that I'm going to be okay. And that he's gone. I miss him. He was a wonderful partner in life.  And I hate that we were robbed of a real future together," she said honestly.

"I actually need help on a case. And was calling Thompson before you interrupted me," Daniel said.

"How'd you end up here Daniel?" Evie asked, settling across from him.

Daniel rubbed his hands over his face, before exhaling sharply. "I needed a fresh start."

"I get that. I was running. James is gone. I've drank myself stupid a couple of times. More than a couple I guess. Everything I wanted was taken from me. My fiancé, our future, and now all I have left is my career," Evie said, "Make your phone call then point me in the direction of your house because I'm jet lagged."

"I can do that," Daniel stated. He placed his phone call. Evie rolled her eyes, as she mocked Daniel's professionalism with Jack. He suppressed a chuckle, hiding it behind a cough, "Yeah just a tickle. The weather is a bit... funny here."

"Bullshit," Evie coughed.

"Thank you, Jack," Daniel hung up abruptly. "You're ridiculous."

"Obviously," Evie replied, "I haven't slept in thirty hours."

"I'll drive you to my house," Daniel said.

"Who's he sending," Evie asked, as she followed Daniel out of his office and to his car.

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