One World, One People

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Evie and James brushed past the officers, investigating the threats against the GRC. Guns pointed in the air. The fear was palpable. "Sergeant Barnes, Director Stark."

"And by the way I've called in some backup," Sam said through his com.

Evie sighed, looking up at her husband, "I love you." She put all of her emotions into that sentence. Just in case.

"Don't say it like that doll," he replied squeezing her hand gently.

"Excuse me sir, ma'am are you supposed to be here?" A man said getting their attention.

Evie and James stopped turning around, as Sharon ripped the holo mask off her face. "It's me."

Evie rolled her eyes at the tech she'd created. That was one way to use it.

"Sharon what the hell are you doing here?" James asked.

Sharon guided them forward, "Relax no one is looking for me here."

"Do I hear Sharon?" Sam asked.

"Unfortunately," Evie drolled.

"Hey Sam thought I'd get the band back together," Sharon said, positioning herself so that Evie and James hid her face.

"Thank you, I know you're risking a lot by coming here," Sam said.

Sharon looked at James, "I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be."

"Depends on the therapist," James stated as Evie scoffed. She gave her husband the like you actually worked with yours look.

"They're gonna move on the building soon be ready," Sam replied. Evie looked up seeing Sam fly overhead before they went in the building separating.

Evie made it to the second floor as smoke bombs went off. "Evie, Bucky, Sharon what's going on, on your end?" Sam asked.

"Nothing all quiet," James replied. Evie sighed in relief hearing his voice, as screaming erupted floors above her.

"I've got chaos above me Sam. Heading up." Evie drew her gun from her shoulder holsters.

"No one's moving toward the building," Sharon replied.

"Karli isn't coming in. She's driving them out," Evie said, "It's a diversion. Keep everyone inside!" Evie gasped, as she was kicked, knocking her back into the wall, her com was shattered on impact. She stood, grabbing her assailant's fist as they went for another strike.

"Evie, Evie," James said, "Fuck I've lost her." He continued down the hall urgently, before getting stopped.

"Mister Barnes it's Karli," the woman said handing him a cell phone.

He looked at it before putting it to his ear. "Karli?"

"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side Mister Barnes?" Karli asked.

James scoffed, continuing his search for his wife and the evac team. "I've done this before kid. I know how it ends."

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself," Karli stated, "And with all the bodies you've collected have you been able to say the same?"

Jame scanned the area, looking and listening for Evie. "You don't think I've fought for something bigger than myself?" He thought about how he'd fought the last several months to get back to his wife to believe he deserved her. He'd fought for his memories his past. He'd fought in a war, nearly died and was captured by the enemy. He'd fought for Wakanda, the world, and missed five years with his wife. He'd fought for Evie and himself. He'd fought for freedom. At the end of the day that's all he'd ever done is fight. "That's all I've ever tried to do. And I've failed twice." Maybe just maybe he hadn't failed at every battle, he'd won some, getting down on one knee eighty years after he'd originally planned to and he'd lost some, being captured by Hydra, the stones. He'd learned a long time ago you don't always win.

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