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"Evie!" Morgan yelled as Evie dropped her go-bag running to scoop her girl up. Everything felt right with the world as Pepper stepped outside, running to embrace her friend.

"How was Germany?" Pepper asked.

"Eventful. James showed up, we fought. I'm drained. They're on their way to Baltimore," Evie said.

"Where do you two stand?" Pepper said.

"No effing clue," Evie shrugged, as they went inside. Morgan immediately ran upstairs, to get something for Evie. "We're alive," Evie said, "I needed him and he disappeared like a ghost. I'm not exactly going to let him off easy for that Pepper."

"Maybe you should, you two have spent eighty years missing each other. Knowing what I know now I wish I'd had more time with Tony. I wish I hadn't been so difficult. So hesitant about what could happen, that I never realized that I wouldn't be able to stop it once it was time to," Pepper stated, handing Evie a cup of coffee.

Evie sighed, "I miss him."

"I do too, until Morgs does something that's just like him and I want to scream at them both. Or she does something that's like you. And I realize that it's going to be okay," Pepper said.

Evie smiled, "She's just like him isn't she?"

"She's just like the both of you," Pepper said, laughing, "The Stark genes run thick."

The three Stark women had a peaceful lunch and movie before Evie's cell phone rang. She checked it. Christine Raynor James' Therapist, flashed across her screen. Evie excused herself, and went outside.

"What's wrong?" Evie greeted.

"James has been arrested in Baltimore," Dr. Raynor stated.

"Huh? He was arrested," Evie asked.

"Yes. He missed an appointment with me. It's like being on parole, Miss Stark," Dr. Raynor said.

"And you're notifying me why?" Evie asked.

"Because I think it's best you join me so I can release him into your custody," Dr. Raynor said, "You're still considered a law enforcement figure in most circles."

"I'm enjoying my peace Dr. Raynor," Evie stated.

"It's either that or he sits in jail," the doctor replied.

"I'll meet you in Baltimore," Evie said, hanging up. She went inside and explained the situation to Pepper and Morgan.


"Evelyn Stark, Sam Wilson, we're assuming full custody of James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. He is to be released into our custody," Evie snapped, at the desk clerk. She'd beat Dr. Raynor to Baltimore, and had started the paper work.

"They just arrested him," Sam said, still in shock over the ordeal him and James had been through earlier that afternoon.

"You're a black guy in Baltimore, you're lucky they didn't arrest your ass by association," Evie said, honestly. She remembered the reputation Baltimore PD had in the nineties.

Sam exhaled, "Not for lack of trying on their end."

Evie sighed, "We're just waiting on Dr. Raynor. She should be here soon. She had to get a later flight." She settled in the waiting area, shooting dirty looks to any one that looked at her and Sam sideways. She knew what the looks were about, what was the black guy doing with the white woman who obviously had money of some sort. Some recognized her as a Stark. Others were just trying to figure out their relationship.

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