You know us

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Evie checked her watch, "We've got an hour Cap."

Steve looked at his friend, "You sure you can handle this? You can walk away now."

She shook her head, "I can't. It's James, Steve. I love him. Always have. Always will. Nothing will ever change that."

Sam squeezed her hand, "Let's do this."

Evie nodded, "I'm going to find him. Steve do your thing." She hugged him tightly before running off. She ran off towards one of the helicarriers that was getting ready to launch. She snuck aboard. "Maria I'm in."

"Switch out the chips. And Sam will get you onto the next carrier," Maria stated, "I made our communications private. Are you okay?"

"No. I'm not," she said, "Turn the coms onto their normal settings. I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Yes Director."

"I'm not your boss Maria," Evie said, as she made it to the control center. Her eyes scanned the area, until she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. James. "I know you're here. And I know you're confused. I can feel it, because I know you, inside and out. I spent a long time loving you James Buchannan Barnes."

He stepped out of the shadows, "I don't know you."

"When you're standing outside of my home and leaving me flowers you know me, you might not remember me but you know me," Evie stated, watching him carefully. Her hand was ready to go to her gun, if necessary.  She could hardly believe it had been a few hours since they were at Sam's. The whole world had shattered under her thumb.

He stepped closer to her, "How old are you?"

"Ninety. I've lived an entire lifetime or two at this point. I met you in nineteen forty two, I was twenty two. You were twenty five. I blacked your eye. You got a little too forward with me," she said, smiling at the memory. Her stance relaxed. "That blond fellow. The Captain. He was your best friend. He called you Bucky. I only called you James, because it pissed you off. Sarge when I felt cheeky." She bit her lower lip.

His face softened, as his stance relaxed as well. "I don't know you."

"They hurt you because you remembered Steve and I, didn't they?" she asked, making her way to the control panel. She watched him flinch, her heart breaking, she'd personally put the bullet in Pierce's head Nat was stalling Pierce, so that Evie would get her chance.

"Star one disabled," Steve said.

"I'm on two, with James," she replied, "I'm okay. He's not going to hurt me." 

"Are you sure?"

"I have to be," she replied, "What did they do to you?" She turned her back on him, getting ready to change out the card.

That's when he made the first move going after her, tackling her to the ground, his metal hand around her throat, squeezing tightly. 

"That's not the way to treat a lady," Steve said, pulling James off of her. "Go get Pierce."

Evie nodded, standing up and running off.

She made a grand entrance, Sam flinging her into the glass window on the top floor. Alexander Pierce glared at her as she stood up. "Miss Stark, I see you've met my asset," he greeted, nodding to the bruising on her neck.

"I'm going to kill you slowly, and I'm going to enjoy every second of it," she said, stepping towards him.

"I didn't realize your moral compass was so skewed Evelyn," Pierce replied.

"It's not. You hurt someone that means more to me than my morals," Evie stated, plainly, "Here's the thing Pierce. Peg and Cap they were always inherently good. It was disgusting really. Nat and I, we were spies, master assassins. My moral compass was never all that straight and narrow."

"That's where you ladies and I are similar. You do what you have to to get the job done. Something Rogers doesn't understand," Pierce said, "You both would have been great Hydra agents."

Evelyn pulled the gun from her holster, leveling it with Pierce's head. "That's a line too far Alexander."

"How did it feel? He doesn't remember you. I made sure of that. Really he's meant to kill you and Rogers. That was his assignment," Pierce said.

"Steve come in." Silence. "Rogers answer me damnit." Evelyn snapped into her com.

"Kinda busy here Evie," Steve grunted as she heard a gun go off.

Nat and Evie shared a look. Evie bit her lip, pulling the trigger, effectively ending Alexander Pierce's reign.

"Sam I need you to get me again, I need to help Steve," Evie stated, looking at her entry point. "I'm going out the way I came in."

"Got it," Sam said.

Evie looked at Nat before running out of the window she came in from. Sam caught her, taking her to the helicarrier, that was quickly falling apart from explosions. He dropped her on the landing pad. She ran inside, gun drawn. There she found James, beating the hell out of Steve.

"You know me. You know us!" Steve said.

"No, I don't!" James landed another blow to Steve's face.

"Bucky. you've known me your entire life. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes," Steve groaned.

"SHUT UP!" James yelled, delivering another blow to Steve.

"I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend," Steve said, staggering as he dropped his shield. Evie watched it fall into the river below.

"You're my mission! YOU ARE MY MISSION!" James screamed, as he lunged at Steve knocking them both to the ground. Evie watched in shock as James continued to hit Steve. His fist was in the air. The final blow. Evie raised her gun, aiming it at James.

"Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line," Steve said.

James stopped. Recognition registered on his face, and Evie lowered her gun. Debris fell knocking Steve into the river below. James looked up at her, "Evie?"

"We need to get off this now. Before we're all three dead, and damnit I've lived this fucking long, I get to choose," she snapped running towards him and diving into the water. He followed a few seconds afterwards.

Evie swam searching for Steve. James found him first dragging him to shore as the helicarrier crashed. Evie grabbed the shield, before coming to shore. "I have Rogers. He's breathing. Injured but alive. Get here quickly," Evie said into her com. She thanked her nephew silently for waterproofing technology.

"On it," Maria said.

Evie looked at James, "You remember me?"

"You're Evie Stark," he said, "I've tried to kill you multiple times today."

"Eh, life of a retired intelligence director. My people are coming. Go. You're not ready for the baggage that the big guy and I come with," Evie said, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she urged the love of her life on.

James glanced at Steve one last time, before grabbing Evie, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her gently. As quick as it happened, it was over. Evie stood there in shock as she watched him go. "I'll find you again James. If it's the last thing I do," she vowed.

James nodded, walking away slowly. Evie watched him disappear like the ghost story he'd been the last fifty years. She waited with Steve, until Maria and Sam got there for transport. Evie gathered the shield. Sam rested a hand on her shoulder, "Where is he?"

"Gone. I told him to go. He needs to know who he is, before he gets wrapped up in my crazy," she said, sadly.

"Know where he'd go?"

"I have an idea. I think he'll wait a day or two. You need to stay with Steve," Evie said.

Sam nodded, "Of course."

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