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"Are you sure about this?" Steve asked James. Evie stood off to the side watching them. She hadn't said much since James had made his final decision. It made her angry that he was choosing cryo but she also understood it. She'd arranged it with T'Challa that she would remain in the Capitol until James was out and living a some what normal life.

"I can't trust my own mind," James stated, looking at  her.  She knew what he meant. Everything from Hydra was still there locked away in his mind. He could be used as a weapon if it wasn't removed. "Evie say something."

She shook her head, biting back tears, "I just got you back."

James stood going over to her, he wrapped his arm around her kissing her forehead gently. Evie played with the hairs on the back of his neck, her forehead pressed against his. "I have every intention of coming back to you Evie," he promised.

Evie held onto him a little tighter. "I'll be seeing you."

"You will. I promise. I'm coming back," he vowed.

Evie faltered. He'd said that before in '45. "You've said that before," she murmured.

"I came back didn't I?" he asked, kissing her. "I love you."

"I love you more," she said, letting him go.  She watched him walk into the cryo chamber, on his own free will, keeping her brave face until he was sealed in an icy slumber. She reached out for Steve who pulled her to him kissing the top of her head. She broke down crying.

T'Challa watched from his spot by the windows, looking out over his kingdom while they said good bye to James. He cleared his throat, "Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace..."

"You know if they find out he's here, they'll come for him," Steve said, as Evie pulled herself together. She looked out over Wakanda.

"I believe I say this for both Miss Stark and I but let them try. No one will touch Barnes while he's in Wakanda," T'Challa stated, "Miss Stark when would you like to start?"

"Now. Shuri collected the samples from James, Steve and I, I want to start studying them," Evie stated, taking a shakey breath.

"I'm going to go get the others," Steve said, "I believe they've sat long enough."

Evie laughed, sitting there wasn't exactly what their friends were doing. They were sitting in a maximum security prison in the middle of the ocean for their 'crimes'. "Go. I'll be here."

Steve kissed her cheek. "I'll see you soon."

Evie watched as Steve gathered his things heading to the borrowed Wakandan Stealth Jet. She waved watching her friend leave the safety of Wakanda. T'Challa touched her shoulder, "Are you okay Miss Stark? Zemo mentioned a child. Is there someone you need to get back to? Or that I can bring here?"

Evie shook her head. "I was pregnant decades ago before James fell so forty five. And the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage around the fifth month. The only people that knew were Howard, Peggy and I. I didn't know until about a week after James' fall."

T'Challa nodded. "I'm sorry."

"It's been a long ninety six years," Evie said pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "Now I'd like to get to work."

One Year Later

Evie dialed Pepper's number. She'd done this multiple times over the last six months. Pepper answered on the first ring.

"Hey Evie," Pepper greeted.

"I'm assuming that you're alone right now," Evie stated.

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