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Evie pulled James through the Italian streets. They'd been in Amalfi a few days. It has involved the beach, naps in the little apartment Evie had rented for at least the next few days. Then they'd go to Venice. Evie slammed into what felt like a brick wall. She looked up just as James said, "Steve."

She was staring at a young Steven Grant Rogers. And now she knew where her missing key went; the guilt on her friends young face said it all. "What the fuck?"

"Ever so eloquent Eves," Steve said.

"Well you're not old. And why the hell are you in Italy?" Evie asked.

"Steve, darling I just felt the baby kick," a woman said, coming out of the bakery. The woman paused noticing Evie. "Director Stark."

"Lorelei I thought you were dead," Evie stated, looking at her husband, who'd tightened his grip on her hand. She looked at James who was staring at his best friend dumbfounded.

"You have some serious explaining to do pal," James said.

"I'm lost on baby," Evie replied, looking at Lorelei Banner and her slightly rounded abdomen.

"Who's the dame?" James asked.

"Lorelei Banner. Former SHIELD agent," Lorelei said, "And you must be Sergeant Hottie, I mean Bucky Barnes. I've heard all about you."

"I've heard nothing about you. In fact I thought my best friend here was an old man. And that he was with Peggy," James said glaring at Steve.

"Does Bruce know you're alive?" Evie asked Lorelei.

Lorelei shook her head, "Let's talk somewhere more private."

"I think that's best," Steve said.

"Oh buddy you have some explaining to do," Evie snapped.

Steve exhaled before leading them to the little home Evie had purchased in Amalfi in the fifties or sixties.  She could feel James seething beside her. She squeezed her husbands hand as they walked.  She knew she had a million questions. She could only imagine what was boiling in James' brain. All she wanted to to was FaceTime Sam. He had a right to know too.

Evie looked at Lorelei, glowing and pregnant. She felt a little envious, but overall happy with the quiet life her friends were leading. The same quiet life she wanted with her husband. As angry as she was with Stevie she couldn't fault his need for peace. She had the same need.


A/N: So I just did that. Surprise. I decided that maybe just maybe I wasn't quite done with Steve. Someone has some explaining to do. Captain Rogers will be back  in The Interpreter.

The last chapter obviously is the temporary conclusion of James and Evie's story. Happily married and enjoying life. Maybe I'll have some bonus chapters in the future. I've truly enjoyed their story and I don't know if I'm ready to let them go completely.

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