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Evie just wanted to hit someone and honestly John Walker was about to be the target. They were waiting on Sam to give the signal. Ten minutes. Zemo was handcuffed to god knows what. And honestly she was worried, about Sam.

"You just let your partner go in there unarmed. You two act like you're not even worried," Walker snapped.

James squeezed her shoulder, "Don't do it."

Evie scoffed before rounding on Walker. "He's trained. He understands her mind better than she does right now. Let Sam do his job."

"I get it. You're sleeping with"-

Evie had Walker pinned before he could finish the sentence a blade at his throat one she had snatched from James in her sudden movement. "You're in a situation with a person who's moral ambiguity is skewed Walker.  I've done good but on that same hand I have never hesitated to pull the trigger." She pressed the knife a little closer to his throat.

James pulled her back, disarming her quickly. "Next time I won't save you from her."

Evie jerked away from James, "You shouldn't have. He's not worth the title he carries." She stormed off, putting her fist through the wall. Occasionally she forgot how strong she was.

James exhaled, "Fuck." He punched the concrete wall. "This is a disaster." He stared at Walker who'd decided to follow Evie. "Fuck. My wife is going to kill your partner."

"You're wife?" Zemo and Hoskins asked.

Evie watched Walker break up Sam's conversation with Karli from her perch, overlooking the room the memorial was held in. "Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots," she murmured as James and Hoskins ran in. Evie jumped down from her perch taking out Hoskins and landing on James.

"Nice of you to drop in doll," James grunted.

"Thanks for the landing darling, though it's a lot harder than I remember. Been working out?" Evie asked, rolling off of him, and standing up.

Sam looked at them as Walker chased after Morgenthau. "Can your weird innuendos be saved for later?" He gestured towards where Walker and Morgenthau just were.

Evie helped James up, before looking at Hoskins. "Do we leave him?"

"I'm not baby sitting," Sam stated, running off.

James ran off following Sam. Evie checked Hoskin's pulse before following after her pet idiots. "Nat and Clint didn't do this shit to me. Nat and Clint also had brains full of functioning brain cells," she murmured. At times like this she missed her two friends, while she ran through the building. She would have loved to club Walker when he intercepted them. Hoskins was the voice of reason and James kept his metal hand firmly wrapped around her wrist, preventing her from lashing out.

They ended up back where they started. "Shit," Sam said.

"We lost her," James replied as they came through one of the many doors.

Evie looked at Sam, "Explain to me why I don't have Walker's head on that damn shield. Because this could have been prevented." The wandered through the building until they found Walker and Zemo.

"I'm taking my pet billionaire and going home," Evie stated shoving past Walker and picking up Zemo. Her boys followed her back to the apartment.


Evie and James walked into the apartment, they'd decided to follow Walker while Sam baby sat Zemo.

"Something not right about Walker," James said as they went straight for the whisky. He poured Evie a couple of fingers worth handing it to her.

The Curious Tales of Evelyn StarkWhere stories live. Discover now