Ghost Story

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Late Summer 2014

"Don't say it, don't say it." Sam Wilson huffed as the asshole went to pass him again.

"On your left."

Sam picked up the pace trying to catch up to who he assumed was Steve Rogers. Minutes later he gave up collapsing under a tree.

"Need a medic?" Steve asked.

"Maybe a new set of lungs. I'll get my friend on that," Sam said.

"You serve?" Steve asked, pointing to the logo on Sam's sweat shirt.

"58th pararescue," Sam answered, "Must have been weird, after the defrost. My friend talks about it. Former SHIELD." Sam nodded towards someone behind Steve and smiled.

"Maybe I know her," Steve said.

"Oh you do," Evie said, announcing her presence, "Nat's on her way. She said she had a fossil to pick up. She knows better to say that to me so she's gotta be talking about you Stevie." She gave Sam a quick kiss.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, hugging her, "I thought you were in Rome another few weeks."

"Got a tip. Decided to come home," Evie replied.

"What are you chasing after?" Steve asked.

"Something Loki said was still alive," Evie answered as Nat pulled up.

"Oh my favorite fossils. Steve hurry up," Nat called.

Steve gave Evie another hug and kiss on the cheek before shaking hands with Sam. "Beer on me."

"Damn straight," Sam agreed, as Steve left with Nat. "You gonna tell him?"

"Not until I have solid proof he's alive," she stated, "I'm not going to get Steve's hopes up. I really shouldn't get mine up either."

"I don't know if I'll be able to let you go if he is alive," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "How does breakfast sound?"

"You're going to have to. If he's alive Sam"-

Sam kissed her, "I know. It'll always be him. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck. I swore I would do everything to help you get answers Eve. That doesn't mean I want to lose you."

Evie rested her head on his shoulder. "I should have never asked you to do this."

"You need to know. You both do. For closure," he replied as they started to walk to the little café they frequented. "Do you have a game plan if he is alive?"

"No. Because Steve was big news. And I haven't stayed private. Likely he doesn't want to be found. And with the crazy that comes with us I would want to avoid it as well."


Evie enjoyed the quiet walk home that afternoon. She'd left Sam at the VA, and enjoyed being back home for a few hours. She stopped, noticing the bouquet of tulips on her front step. She knew they weren't from Sam. Sam always gave her lilies. She'd had a lily in her hair when they'd first met. So he always brought lilies.

Evie picked the tulips up cradling them delicately as she looked around. The only living person who knew tulips were her favorite was Steve, and Steve didn't give her flowers. He sucked up with chocolates and a movie.  Tony, well Pepper, always sent her roses for her birthday, a play on her middle name.

Evie unlocked her front door with the key pad. She slipped inside. Steve had stayed with her for about six months after New York, before moving into his own apartment. He needed the space and the constant reminders of what they lost didn't help. That's why she didn't tell Stevie about Loki's goose chase. She knew Steve would become obsessed. She had contacts whisperings of what was going to happen in DC in a few days time. The Lemurian Star was set to launch within the next forty eight to seventy two hours. Maybe longer she hadn't stayed connected to Nicholas well after she'd left SHIELD. He hadn't understood the witch hunt she'd decided to go on with no warning. Calling it a stupid ass decision. She'd thought he'd made a stupid ass decision as well. Project Insight.  She'd told Nicholas it was a horrible idea when he consulted her on it three years go. Building went ahead. His brain child was ready. She hoped he didn't live to regret it.

Evie pulled up her caramel colored hair, she'd lightened it over the years. Going from chestnut brown to the soft caramel color she spent way too much money on. It still fell in soft waves, like it had been years ago. She closed her eyes for a second. Taking a deep breath. The goose chase Loki had led her on made her believe she'd fallen into a trap. Her informants had mentioned a winter solider. But he was Russian. Something Brooklyn bred James Barnes was not.

Evie picked up the closest thing, a heavy paperweight she'd purchased in the seventies and threw it into the wall. It thudded breaking the drywall on impact.

"Miss Stark, I sense your distress, how can I be of service?" JARVIS greeted, making Evie jump. She'd forgotten that Tony had installed the system after New York.

"JARVIS did Tony install security cameras when he installed you?" Evie asked.

"Yes Miss Stark," the AI answered.

"JARVIS turn on TV and run the security footage from the last twenty four hours," Evie said.

"Miss Stark are you looking for anything in particular?" JARVIS asked, as the TV turned on, and the security footage ran at four times its normal speed.

"Yes. The tulips, when were they delivered," Evie said.

"Approximately, seven am this morning," JARVIS said, as the footage jumped to 0650. Evie watched the screen intently. Finally she saw her culprit. Her heart stopping as she stared at the profile of her mysterious gifter. She knew those steel blue eyes anywhere. Most of his face was hidden by a black mask, but the look he gave the camera told her everything.

"JARVIS send me the stills of this footage, I want it on my phone," she said, her eyes never leaving the screen. She knew that it was James, and in that moment she realized Loki wasn't lying to her. James was in DC at least he was at seven am. That very morning.

Evie rested her head on Sam's chest, his fingers trailing down her spine. She kissed his jaw. "I have to tell you something, Sam."

Sam kissed the top of her head, "You found him."

"He found me."


"I don't know."

"So is this it for us?" he asked.

"I don't want to give you up Sam. Loki nailed something else that day. I'm selfish, and I care about you deeply. I don't want to give us up, but I know that"-

"It'll always be him. I love you Evie, I've known that awhile," Sam said, "But I also know that I'm not your forever. And you're not mine."

Evie kissed him, "I love you, too. But he's always been my forever and if he's alive and needs my help I can't abandon him."

"Then lets find him," Sam said, pulling her closer to him, "But until then I'm keeping you right here."

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