Twenty First Century Dating

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May 2012

Washington DC

Evie looked at her date Sam, smiling a quick apology at him as her cellphone rang. "Sorry. It's work." She pulled her phone out of her handbag, taking both with her has she went outside of the restaurant. She checked the screen. Maria. "I'm on a date. And I actually like this one! Are you serious?"

"Barton is compromised."

"Fuck. Okay. Shit. Where's Nicholas?"

"Assembling the Avengers."

"Send me a car."

"On it."

Evie hung up, going back inside. She looked at Sam. The nice guy that was in the bookstore where she bought her thrillers. "I'm sorry. Work emergency. I have to go."

Sam frowned. "I understand. Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?"

"No the deputy director is sending a car." She kissed his cheek. "Text me."

Maria was waiting outside. "Hey sexy."

Evelyn sighed, looking down at the silk champagne colored cocktail dress, that skimmed her thighs. An appropriate dress for the venue. "I didn't think I'd be the one taking it off me tonight."

Maria opened the door for her, "I'm always an option."

"Snuggle me afterwards?" Evelyn laughed, winking at Maria.

"Eww gross," Maria said as she hopped into the drivers side of the car.

"I just want a nice normal guy. Someone sweet, a real gentleman. Maybe a little old fashioned. Dark hair, makes me laugh, a jaw line that could cut a diamond," Evelyn stated, as Maria drove off.

"You're just going to have to date someone in the life," Maria said.

"No because that gets awkward when I have to shoot them point blank. Been there done that. Hawley was a great Agent until he tried to kill me. Great in bed as well," Evie laughed.

"You seem to have a type in mind," Maria said.

"Yeah." Evie looked out the window, realizing she had described James. Maybe she wasn't ready for a long term partnership. But damnit she was going to reschedule her date.

New York City, Stark Tower

"Phil! Come in!" Pepper greeted warmly. Tony had just landed trying to ignore the SHIELD Agent.

"'Phil?' Uh, his first name is 'Agent.'" Tony pouted.

Pepper shot him a dirty look. Tony was half paying attention as champagne glasses were shifted, files handed back and forth. Pepper glanced in the files, "Is this about the Avengers? Which I know nothing about."

"The Avengers initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify," Tony replied with an eye roll.

"I didn't know that either. Wait never mind Evie told me when we had lunch," Pepper stated, chuckling, "You're"-

"Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, and don't play well with others," Tony scoffed.

"That I did know," Pepper replied kissing his pout away. "You doing this?"

"I'm doing this," he replied, "You heard anything from my aunt?"

"Nope. Doesn't mean anything though. She had a date tonight. Maybe she's"-

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