A New Misson

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Evie suited up, she'd been angry after the Walker announcement. Sam was angry. Neither one has heard from James about the new Cap. She checked her weapons. She mostly handled intel for Sam but occasionally she was back up. It never hurt to have a super soldier on the team.

Torres stepped into the locker room. "Evie. There's someone here. I think it's Sergeant Barnes. Him and Sam are arguing."

Evie groaned of course his fucking ass would make an appearance today. She ran down to the hanger to see James and Sam arguing about the shield and the big three. Sam cleared his throat, as she made it down the stairs Torres on her heels. "Sam are you ready?" she asked. Evie had half a mind to shoot James in the thigh or something. She glanced down at his thighs remembering what they felt like underneath her. Shit stop. We're not thinking of sex right now or the fact that it's been five years since the last time you've gotten any.

James spun around. His face lit up seeing Evie, hearing her voice. Something was different. And in a lame move he stated the obvious. "You cut your hair."

Sam whistled, as Evie's hand flew up slapping James rather hard in the face. "Are you serious right now? Not a fucking word in six months and the best you've got is you cut your hair?! Six months."

"Sam Director Stark we gotta go," Torres said.

"I'm coming too," James stated.

"The hell you are," Evie snarled. She'd never been mad at him before but right now she was furious. "Oh Buck you got a hair cut," she snapped, heading off to their transport.

Sam just laughed, "I'm surprised she didn't shoot you on sight. That's an improvement. I know it was a fantasy for awhile."

James sighed, "She only calls me Buck when she's pissed at me." He took a deep breath. "How bad is it?"

"You ghosted her for nearly six months. It's bad. Why dude?" Sam said, "She needed you and you abandoned her. She lost her family and you just disappeared."

"I don't deserve her."

"Let her make that decision," Sam said.


The flight was mostly silent. Evie spoke with Torres mostly, going over the intel. She ignored James. The silent treatment wasn't really necessary, but she didn't trust herself to speak to him. Mainly because she was angry. And Evelyn Stark always said exactly what she thought when she was angry. Granted James needed a dose of reality, but he didn't need her completely annihilating him.

She felt someone standing over her shoulder. She looked up. "Sergeant Barnes what can I do for you?"

"Evie come on," James said.

"No you don't get to do that. You don't get to comment on my hair cut and then say Evie come on, to me. Particularly after ignoring me for six months Sergeant. How was the date with the pretty girl from the Japanese place?" Evie asked. 

James froze. Evie scoffed, "I was in the area with Pep and Morgan. Morgan misses you by the way. And I saw you. She was cute."

"Evie that was"-

"Don't if you wanted nothing to do with me after the funeral you should have said it then. Not ghost me, then leave me to find out on my own as Pep and I are walking back from dinner," Evie stated, "That's low even for you, Sergeant."

"I'm no good for you," he stated.

"You should have let me be the one to decide that. Not the other way around. You would have been furious if I was sleeping with Sam again. I'm tired of waiting on you to figure out what you want out of your life, James, because five years ago I thought you had it figured out. Either you want me or you don't but grow a pair and say it either way," she stated, brushing past him to set up coms for Sam. "Are you going down with him?"

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